Both Shrine Maidens What IF


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Bit of a Fanfic on what would happen if the champion had picked both Miko and Mai (There will be more parts after this)

So this is how I die, the Champion thought. The sort of stray thought that happens when one is stricken with blind terror among other base emotions. Their mother always warned them that their honesty and indecisiveness was a bad combination. A premonition which one coming true right in front of them.

They knew that when the twin shrine maidens sashayed up to them to settle which of the two was the sexiest sister that they should of picked one. Yet, they could not honestly decide between the raw, passionate, and bountiful Miko and the sensual, sleek, and cool Mai. When they conveyed that thought to the twin shrine maiden sisters, they were less than enthused and proceeded to give them the cold shoulder. Until today that is.

The Champion had a bad feeling when they crossed the threshold into the den. It was during a particularly curious twilight when the sun set into an eerie haze that they came upon their present circumstance that would send them into their doom. For when the champion went to the shrine, they were set upon a truly bizarre sight.

Mai was gripping her sister and crying hysterically with both tears of rapturous joy and crushing sorrow, while Miko was nearly insensate, constantly drooling and swaying. They were desperately trying to hold on to any focus in order to comfort the other, but the effect was as if they were two felled trees that were only kept standing by falling into each other.

Before you could call for help, the sisters became aware of your presence. Swiveling their heads to meet your gaze, the two sisters began their hunt. Mai lashed out first. Pouncing on your chest with eyes clouded with every emotion, but dominated by hunger, desire. While frantically pawing at you, Miko sneaked in behind you, pressing her chest against your back. "I'm sorry if we gave you the wrong idea. We were pleased that you picked both of us. We were just upset that we weren't picked above the other. But if you think you can handle the both of us then we're willing to give you a shot. But I have to warn ya that we are both RAVENOUS."

And with that final word, echoed by Mai, you descended into darkness and fluff, thinking all the while, what did I do to deserve this.

You couldn't decide whether you thought that with despair or gratitude.