Totally same, i outright refuse buying a new game in its first month these days, everything that comes out has pretty significant bugs if it's from a 'AAA' studio.
I remember buying a $60 videogame a few years ago - some space exploration thing, I forget the name or the company - that wouldn't launch. It just did not work. The devs released a patch but it was one you had to manually install yourself by replacing about 6 HUGE lines of code in like 3 different folders, all buried under about 8 or 9 subfolders. You needed some decent coding experience in order to get it to work. I couldn't figure it out, went onto the company's forums to bitch about paying for an incomplete game (and it turns out that it was indeed incomplete, not just a bit buggy), got told to "suck it up, buttercup, follow the directions on the patch notes", I said "I don't even know where to begin, the notes are just so much gibberish to me", and they shrugged. In the end, I had to threaten the company with filing a fraud claim with my bank if they didn't refund my money.