best way to rising stats?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
hey everyone ive started a new character and was wondering whats the best way to raise my stats?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
hey everyone ive started a new character and was wondering whats the best way to raise my stats?

As Savin have said, the game isn't that difficult atm, so stats gained from leveling up are all you need. 

If you still want to optimize your build, then save stat points you gain by leveling and use things that provide slow stat gain first.


Aug 26, 2015
If you want to max out your stats, start by leveling up to 8.  Pump your Willpower and either your Aim or Physique depending on your build.  These are really the only stats you'll ever need, but plenty of people like seeing all 40s.  If you want more Intelligence, go befriend Syri and talk to her about books.  If you want more Physique, Reflexes and Aim, visit the Ten Ton Gym on New Texas.

For the most efficient stat-maxing, it's best to save most of your level-up points and use them after you've gotten all you can out of other sources.  This also provides a nice buffer if something damages your Willpower.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
About training: it is efficient until your stats are somewhere near 80-85% of maximal. Technically, it is possible to max out by training, but diminishing returns are too harsh past that point.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'd hardly call the diminish returns too harsh. Anyone with any experience in the grindyer games will straight up laugh at the effort needed to max stats in TITs


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd hardly call the diminish returns too harsh. Anyone with any experience in the grindyer games will straight up laugh at the effort needed to max stats in TITs

It is possible, but doesn't worth it.


Dec 9, 2015
Not sure if this is within the purview of this thread, but I can't seem to go past 38 in reflexes/aim/physique at level 8 through the gym anymore, meaning I have to save a few points from level-up to max-40 across the board. This wasn't something I noticed in previous (i.e. before around 0.6.1~) builds. One of my characters got rekt because I got it them to 40, but seemed to regress (maybe while I was going hyper) to 38.

Wondering what the cause is, as well as a way around it aside from save-editing.

Also, is there an existing 'best/strongest builds' thread that remains up to date? A quick search didn't provide anything current.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Also, is there an existing 'best/strongest builds' thread that remains up to date? A quick search didn't provide anything current.

There was this thread that talked about the best weapon/armor in TiTs. Probably outdated but still pretty relevant today.


Aug 26, 2015
The current best gun is either Khan's Arc Caster if you do not have a ranged flurry or the SecureMP if you do.  The SecureMP's lower damage is more than made up for by raising the accuracy of your flurry attacks to the point where you'll basically always hit.

The current best sword is Emmy's Custom Vamp Blade, acquired by giving her a piece of Picardine as part of her quest while your Physique is higher than your Aim.  There is an argument for the Lava Saber, but I prefer the Vamp Blade for its shield-draining properties that make you nearly invincible against a foe with shields.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The way I maxed out my stats was through Lane. In my game her hypnosis was perm so I could keep going until i maxed out. Also I was max level.
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Active Member
Apr 26, 2016
About training: it is efficient until your stats are somewhere near 80-85% of maximal. Technically, it is possible to max out by training, but diminishing returns are too harsh past that point.




I thought after reaching 95% mark of max for a stat, slow stat gain is diminished to 0? Does training still increase the stats infinitesimally? I was lifting gains for like 50-so days to go from 38 to 39 before no longer bothering. x( And then I met Lane (whose services I believe are already fixed for next build.) 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I thought after reaching 95% mark of max for a stat, slow stat gain is diminished to 0? Does training still increase the stats infinitesimally? I was lifting gains for like 50-so days to go from 38 to 39 before no longer bothering. x( And then I met Lane (whose services I believe are already fixed for next build.)
				if (statCurrent + change < 0.30 * statMax) mod *= 1;
				else if (statCurrent + change < 0.40 * statMax) mod *= .9;
				else if (statCurrent + change < 0.50 * statMax) mod *= .8;
				else if (statCurrent + change < 0.60 * statMax) mod *= .7;
				else if (statCurrent + change < 0.65 * statMax) mod *= .6;
				else if (statCurrent + change < 0.70 * statMax) mod *= .5;
				else if (statCurrent + change < 0.75 * statMax) mod *= .4;
				else if (statCurrent + change < 0.80 * statMax) mod *= .3;
				else if (statCurrent + change < 0.85 * statMax) mod *= .25;
				else if (statCurrent + change < 0.90 * statMax) mod *= .2;
				else if (statCurrent + change < 0.95 * statMax) mod *= .15;
				else mod *= .1;


Active Member
Apr 26, 2016
if (statCurrent + change < 0.30 * statMax) mod *= 1;
else if (statCurrent + change < 0.40 * statMax) mod *= .9;
else if (statCurrent + change < 0.50 * statMax) mod *= .8;
else if (statCurrent + change < 0.60 * statMax) mod *= .7;
else if (statCurrent + change < 0.65 * statMax) mod *= .6;
else if (statCurrent + change < 0.70 * statMax) mod *= .5;
else if (statCurrent + change < 0.75 * statMax) mod *= .4;
else if (statCurrent + change < 0.80 * statMax) mod *= .3;
else if (statCurrent + change < 0.85 * statMax) mod *= .25;
else if (statCurrent + change < 0.90 * statMax) mod *= .2;
else if (statCurrent + change < 0.95 * statMax) mod *= .15;
else mod *= .1;


I did a check via .minerva and there wasn't any apparent decimal increase to the stat value, let alone  a .1 increase. It might had increased, but if the numbers are so small it doesn't even register (which I don't know is possible), well alright. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I did a check via .minerva and there wasn't any apparent decimal increase to the stat value, let alone  a .1 increase. It might had increased, but if the numbers are so small it doesn't even register (which I don't know is possible), well alright. 

Ah, yes, in vanilla it lacks else case:

if (statPercent < 30) change++;
else if (statPercent < 40) change += .9;
else if (statPercent < 50) change += .8;
else if (statPercent < 60) change += .7;
else if (statPercent < 65) change += .6;
else if (statPercent < 70) change += .5;
else if (statPercent < 75) change += .4;
else if (statPercent < 80) change += .3;
else if (statPercent < 85) change += .25;
else if (statPercent < 90) change += .2;
else if (statPercent < 95) change += .15;

Not sure if it is bug or intentional.


Mar 9, 2016
You can also raise your reflex to 20 by eating (an ungodly amount of) kerokoras venom early game.

There is also a point where you can trade physique effectively for reflexes with Sky Sap.

..but as other have said it's pretty unnecessary.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2015
The current best gun is either Khan's Arc Caster if you do not have a ranged flurry or the SecureMP if you do.  The SecureMP's lower damage is more than made up for by raising the accuracy of your flurry attacks to the point where you'll basically always hit.

The current best sword is Emmy's Custom Vamp Blade, acquired by giving her a piece of Picardine as part of her quest while your Physique is higher than your Aim.  There is an argument for the Lava Saber, but I prefer the Vamp Blade for its shield-draining properties that make you nearly invincible against a foe with shields.

Well shit I sold my SecureMP.