Best Board & Sword/Weapons Per Build?


Active Member
Dec 5, 2019
I'm asking mostly out of curiosity to try and keep my characters as ' current ' to the threats as they can be.

Most of my characters are beyond the 50 to 80 mark in terms of corruption so I can't quite go straight for Sanctified Gladius.
What would also be the ' best bets ' for 2 Handed Weapons?
While I understand the game tries to balance out each weapons; which single / 2handed weapons for melee at least offer the most damage or the best balance? :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
I'm not sure if it's the best, but I'm doing a bit of a Mage Knight build right now, using the pyromancer set (boots from the witch set) with Ashelander and the Rosebloom Shield. This gives you a large amount of Sexiness which then converts into an equal amount of Spellpower from the pyromancer 4 piece bonus - depending on class/attributes are set up this will give you a lot of versatility on build.


Well-Known Member
If you're going with a shield, I'd consider going with a wand. Elemental damage targets ward and skips the common resistances that you'd find like pen resistance on enemies. Also ranged powers fuck in general.

For two handed, I've always thought mastbreaker was top tier because it has crushing damage and crush resist is a lot less common than pen resistance.
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