Best Bad Ends?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
A porn game should still be a game. Just because the primary audience is assumed to be playing one handed, doesn't meant that they shouldn't get a real game to play.

Though really I'm not too fond of getting content for losing, which is kinda a weird thing to feel when it comes to porn games. Like why am I being rewarded for losing unless it's a specific situation that I'm given some sort of hint about.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2015
A porn game should still be a game. Just because the primary audience is assumed to be playing one handed, doesn't meant that they shouldn't get a real game to play.

Though really I'm not too fond of getting content for losing, which is kinda a weird thing to feel when it comes to porn games. Like why am I being rewarded for losing unless it's a specific situation that I'm given some sort of hint about.

"Reward" is subjective here though isn't it? In theory, it's something terrible happening to your character and many players will see it as a punishment. I kind of figure that's why there are so many people that get angry when warnings aren't given for content. Some players seem to get pretty irritated when something happens to the PC that they can't sufficiently avoid, so in that way not all content received is rewarding.


Active Member
Dec 18, 2017
I've been trying to get the Nyrean Huntress bad end for a while now and it won't trigger. Is there anything that can prevent it from happening, like having already beaten the queen? I really want to read that one, I like their design a lot.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
No, just lose repeatedly. Losing for the third time in a row will trigger the scene changing towards the bad end. (it will take a bit more for the bad end to happen though) Don't run away or win any fight


Active Member
Dec 18, 2017
No, just lose repeatedly. Losing for the third time in a row will trigger the scene changing towards the bad end. (it will take a bit more for the bad end to happen though) Don't run away or win any fight
Hmm. Lost about twenty fights in a row just by fantasizing each round and ran from the other non-Nyrea enemies (is that the problem?). I've had four loss scenes trigger from the Alpha (egg/ass, egg/vagina, facefuck if you're already full, and most often the one where she can't find your 'sperm sacs' and doesn't lay any eggs). My Steele is a full-blown egg-slut to the Bothrioc so they auto-impregnate me if I run into any. Could that be messing with stuff somehow? I just want to be bred by insect amazon girls for the rest of my days. Is that so much to ask?:oops: I'll try again and fight every fight I get into, but having to save and load around the Bothrioc encounters if that's the problem is going to be a pain.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
No, you're doing it right, it's strange that you don't get the final scene if you got the face-fuck one


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016
Yeah I like the Nyrea-bad ending, Milodan, Frostwyrm (Cant wait for the expansion!) and Callie/Cora bad endings the best, but damn it is the Nyrea bad ending the hardest to get! I was able to get it at least twice, before somehow not getting that ending again afterwards despite being pretty sure I completed all the requirements.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2016
I think the variable to trigger the ending is 'LOST_TO_ALPHA' which decreases by 1 everytime you defeat an alpha and increases by 1 when you lose, the ending triggers once it hits 3. The issue is that it goes into the negatives, just opened my save in TiTSed and the variable is currently at -39 meaning I would have to lose 42 times consecutively to trigger it. (this is probably a bug?)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2015
Bad ends are probably my absolute favourite content in CoC/TiTS. I think my fav when I started out was the Tam-wolf one. I liked the Wetraxxel one a lot too, but I've never progressed very far in TiTS' story so I haven't seen the later ones.

Go figure. Some of your other content leans that way too. I absolutely thought Haley on NT was gearing up to turn the PC into an cumdump.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
I don't remember how I coded it but that's a definite possibility. Can't remember if you had to be 'empty' or non-pregnant.
No, I've gotten that ending for at least a dozen times and I can safely say you don't need to be empty. For those who have trouble, open your save with TiTsEd and check the "LOST_TO_ALPHA" as mentionned before. Set the value to 5, save and go lose to that sexy alien.


Active Member
Dec 18, 2017
No, I've gotten that ending for at least a dozen times and I can safely say you don't need to be empty. For those who have trouble, open your save with TiTsEd and check the "LOST_TO_ALPHA" as mentionned before. Set the value to 5, save and go lose to that sexy alien.
Thank you for this. I was sitting at -77. :oops:
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
I like the lollipop bad end,where you end up as both agent 47 and a sex doll at the same time, but i didn't get a lot of bad ends compared to when i played CoC.
My favourite was the kelt bad end because it was my first and that it motivated me to take my revenge...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
My favourite was the kelt bad end because it was my first and that it motivated me to take my revenge...
That was a terrible experience for me! It was my first character and I started doing archery because I love bows, and my Champion had done perfect until then, but I went to train one day and got Bad Ended and lost her. I started saving before everything, and ended up being incredibly cautious. Still didn't turn Kelt into a woman, though he probably deserves it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
That's the point...
I was so pissed at Kelt that breaking him was the most satisfiying thing i did in CoC...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As much as I loathed Kelt, turning someone who thinks that all women are idiots into an idiot woman wasn't something I wanted to do.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
Turning someone who thinks that all women are idiots into an idiot woman while being a smart woman was something i wanted to do(m2f being my favourite fetish didn't play in it)...
It would have been even better if he kept his intellect and his shame and to have the option to lick his tears as they slowly roll on his cheeks...
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
Yes, it would have been nice to have this option.
More choice is almost always better in a RPG...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As far as I can remember, Kelt's case wasn't a case of options, but that of donation drives/commissions that plagued CoC.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Has CoC not their own section?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
I'm the one at fault,sorry...
I would like a bad end in TiTS where you turn into traps/womans/futa the entire universe and Dr.Lash is your nemesis...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The Tam-Tam and Jerynn Bad Ends kinda traumatized me, I really like the Nyrea one though as you're treated really well and not mutilated in any way as far as I remember. I need to try to run up the Quadomme one now. Isn't there a Venus Pitcher bad end too? I think I liked that one.


Active Member
Dec 18, 2017
Isn't there a Venus Pitcher bad end too? I think I liked that one.
Yeah, that one's fun. One of the Hypno Venus Pitchers gets you to drink directly from her groin mounted 'central flower' and the super concentrated nectar throws you into a permanent heat/rut. Then you spend the rest of your life running from one plant girl to the next begging to be bred anew each time you wake up from being mesmerized and stuffed with hot gooey sap and fat woody seeds. What a way to retire.:D

I thought the Jerynn one was okay, but the lead up to it was fantastic. The way the scene with her where you're forced to clean her undercarriage after she carries you back to town gets longer and kinkier each time is really great. It's way better than her three other sex scenes you can get from just meeting her at the bar, and those are just fine. That sort of build up is something I'd love to see more of.

I'm really hoping a bad end from Belle on Uveto at some point, or at least an expansion of the hypnosis experiment beyond just the masturbation fantasy scene it triggers and making you get naked when you go into the lab. Like if you do it too often she makes a mistake with her tech and permanently breaks your brain. A nice loving bad end where the good doctor takes responsibility for her terrible mistake and slowly rebuilds Steele into a perfectly happy house pet who never wants for anything. Well, except for her pair of foot-long knotted double dongs of course. Those her beloved little sweetums wants all the time, just as she intended. Training works best when you have an effective reward to motivate with after all.;)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah, I much prefer endings like that opposed to mind/body-break ones. It would depend on how the hypnosis overload was handled though, that aspect has me kinda iffy.
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
I don't know if anyone said this one, the wetraxxel's bad end is pretty hot to me. Constantly losing and learning how to please your soon to be harem lord gets me every time.
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Active Member
Dec 18, 2017
Yeah, I much prefer endings like that opposed to mind/body-break ones. It would depend on how the hypnosis overload was handled though, that aspect has me kinda iffy.
Maybe if you do the hypnosis experiment while still enthralled by Lane or way down the path of being a Venus Pitcher seedbed it would simply work too well. You're already a Hypno-slut by that point, so an experimental hypnosis device designed to work on regular people simple shakes your mind clear like an etch-a-sketch. Such are the dangers of cutting-edge clinical research.:D


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Maybe if you do the hypnosis experiment while still enthralled by Lane or way down the path of being a Venus Pitcher seedbed it would simply work too well. You're already a Hypno-slut by that point, so an experimental hypnosis device designed to work on regular people simple shakes your mind clear like an etch-a-sketch. Such are the dangers of cutting-edge clinical research.:D

I could deal with that. Basically Steele just really WANTS to be a pet by nature and the collar helps the process along.