I've noticed a lack items that add beards so I decided to pitch my idea (Though im not very good at thinking up or writing scenes, but I wouldnt mind working on it with some help/pointers)
Name: Dwarven Pride
Description: Made by a scientist possibly too obsessed with fantasy dwarves, this transformative can grow a luscious beard on just about anyone, regardless of gender. Side effects include reduction in height, reduction in sexual dimorphism and unexplainable attraction to mining and caves.
Potential Effects:
Grow a rather long beard if don't have one (10 inches or so?) regardless of gender. If already have one, grow it (likely less than initial growth).
Decrease height
Shift feminity/masculinity towards 0
Name: Dwarven Pride
Description: Made by a scientist possibly too obsessed with fantasy dwarves, this transformative can grow a luscious beard on just about anyone, regardless of gender. Side effects include reduction in height, reduction in sexual dimorphism and unexplainable attraction to mining and caves.
Potential Effects:
Grow a rather long beard if don't have one (10 inches or so?) regardless of gender. If already have one, grow it (likely less than initial growth).
Decrease height
Shift feminity/masculinity towards 0
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