Battlefield 2142


Feb 15, 2016
Auraxis, Amerish
Battlefield 2142 was definitely my favorite game of the Battlefield series and does anyone wanna play it with me? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Also I hope the next title in the Battlefield series will be a spiritual successor to it. Then again I play whatever is created by EA, or more specifically DICE. 
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Wife Material

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2016
I'd like the next Battlefield to be actually finished when it's released and to cut that trading kills shit out. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There is no dinosaur in the paleolithic, or guns, so no.

just spears, bows, slings, a pointy rocks. think about it homo-sapiens vs neanderthals, or Clovis vs Oldowan.

Wife Material

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2016
There is no dinosaur in the paleolithic, or guns, so no.

just spears, bows, slings, a pointy rocks. think about it homo-sapiens vs neanderthals, or Clovis vs Oldowan.

All wrapped up in shoddy hit detection and lag compensation because apparently poor people with shit internet get treated better than those who pay for better internet. 

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As someone who's played shooters pretty extensively (Halo in the middle of class was pretty fun, cod games from Black Ops 2 and up, and even the excuse for a pvp experience in Destiny), I'd rather take trading kills (when it makes thematical sense) over not getting a kill when I shoot someone with a sniper rifle as they shoot me anyday.

On topic, I've honestly never really played a Battlefield game aside from  from the Hardline Beta. I guess a near future or another modern one'd be cool (though I have to admit I'm kinda spoiled by BO3's movement system atm (not as cancer as Advanced Welfare's and with all the goodness of Titanfall)).