Battle Arena: Do you have what it takes to be champion?


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
Would you up be up for participation or spectating in gladiatorial style fighting championship? 

We can agree on tech/power/magic levels and assign judges who will both police the fighting for God-modding and ensure people don't meta-game for easy victories.
I would prefer it if hits and misses were determined by what people can logically explain using their character's in game knowledge and skill set specified in their approved profiles, Judges shouldn't have to force people to accept hits or tell people they're abusing the meta-game but they'll have to at some point. 

I don't mind if people power-game as long as they don't do it to characters belonging to decent writers that are clearly under-powered because they didn't spend three years writing a profile that contains a combination of skills, equipment and biological traits that turns them into Einstein Himura, son of Vegeta and Integra Hellsing carrying a Death Note while sitting in the cockpit of the space battleship from Macross while it's in giant mecha mode because that would be massively unfair. Otherwise, go for your life. I don't care if you and your opponent decide on motorcycle jousting or arm-wrestling while on fire as long as it is entertaining.

Example profile (It's a little bit over-engineered...):

Character Name: James "Goggles" Carver
Sex: Male
Age: 33
Race: Transhuman
Date of Birth: February 14th, 2027
Ethnicity: Anglo-Celtic
Nationality: Australian
Corporate Citizenship: Tri-Optimum Corporation, Class A
Date of Birth: February 14th, 2027
Height: 5"7
Weight: 130 pounds
Hair colour: Rapidly graying brown.
Eye colour: Unknown

Character Appearance: Try to cover your character with a decent amount of information here, this could contain clues to weaknesses or hidden weapons or hidden strengths. If you don't want to meta game by suddenly adding or attributing features to say clothing or some such, make sure it's either clearly listed here or enough "hints" are dropped that once you USE said hidden strength, weakness, whatever... It becomes clear what you meant. This profile will be updated with my profile details for examples.

Character Equipment: List any weapons, items or pieces of armor you might have as well as what it does and (theory craft, not like real hard science) explain roughly how it works or functions so you avoid metagaming.

Character Skills/Magic/Abilities: List your abilities here. You don't need a precise description of say every single move in a fighting style but you will need to describe them well enough that a judge can understand what was intended. A good example of why judges might want to read up on this would be; The spear that can pierce ANYTHING vs the shield that can stop ANYTHING... It's a little bit of an exaggeration but it would be a shame if someone MEANT to describe a feature that might say change the outcome of such a conflict but left it out and then later tried to use that feature and ended up looking like a metagaming adding features/attributes from out of nowhere clearly just to cheap their opponent. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Sounds like a good time. But tell me, does this mean we use our CoC/FoE/TiTS characters or our own characters from other sources such as DeviantArt Characters?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But mo-oooom, I don't wanna be the very best like no one ever was! *pout*

In all seriousness, knock yourselves out, fellas. (Literally.)


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
Sounds like a good time. But tell me, does this mean we use our CoC/FoE/TiTS characters or our own characters from other sources such as DeviantArt Characters?

Anything you like, if I enter(I will probably have to do the heavy lifting on the arena and also the NPC crowd I'll draw from numerous soruces), I will recycle one of my lower power battle RP characters and adjust it for the purposes of fairness... It would be kinda lame/self-serving to win my own tournament.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Anything you like, if I enter(I will probably have to do the heavy lifting on the arena and also the NPC crowd I'll draw from numerous soruces), I will recycle one of my lower power battle RP characters and adjust it for the purposes of fairness... It would be kinda lame/self-serving to win my own tournament.

No Problem. My plan was to do the same thing. Whatever the rules are, I'll flex to them. My character is an inter-dimensional bounty hunter who simply loves to fight. So when would you like to begin? How should we present who our characters are and what they can do? I have a DeviantArt page featuring my character.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
No Problem. My plan was to do the same thing. Whatever the rules are, I'll flex to them. My character is an inter-dimensional bounty hunter who simply loves to fight. So when would you like to begin? How should we present who our characters are and what they can do? I have a DeviantArt page featuring my character.

I'd like to get 4 to 6 fighters total before we get it going, I'm down a spectator but I can fill out a slot if needed, just means I couldn't judge the fights. That way we can actually have brackets even if there is only a few people. We've got 3 so far including me. I'll edit a basic profile template people can expand on/riff off based on what I used to use for clan signups.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
I'd like to get 4 to 6 fighters total before we get it going, I'm down a spectator but I can fill out a slot if needed, just means I couldn't judge the fights. That way we can actually have brackets even if there is only a few people. We've got 3 so far including me. I'll edit a basic profile template people can expand on/riff off based on what I used to use for clan signups.

Neat, well keep me posted. Hopefully we can RP when I don't have to do homework or go to work.