There are no proper charts that I know of, but the talks go like this:
Start -> Her, Job
Her -> Race, Job, Age, Sex
Job -> College, Discoveries
Race -> Suulas, Daughters, Singing
Age -> Suulas, Daughters
Sex -> College, Job, Discoveries (can also lead to sex)
College -> Job, Daughters, Date
Discoveries -> College, Date
Suulas -> Daughters, Stud, Religion, Polyamory, Sex
Daughters -> Stud, Religion
Singing -> Daughters, College, Suulas
Date -> Age, Daughters, Polyamory
Stud -> Daughters, Date, Age (Daughters is disabled if that's the previous talk you had)
Religion -> Daughters, College, Singing
Polyamory -> Stud, Suulas, Date
All of them include a Back option, so you can end the conversation at any time.