Assets, Cargo and Crashes (For Ecnalab)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Beep! [Incoming transmission, respond?]

Well that's new. No one had ever tried to contact your ship during one of your cargo loads. Currently, you were (reluctantly) delivering a multitude of crates to JoyCo, mostly parts and machinery to make their production smoother. The only reason you were hesitant about it was because the main JoyCo facility was on the other side of the galaxy to your home planet. But part of you stated that the company understood that, and you might get one of those sex bots for your own if you did. Or some sort of cool weapon or shield, that company did everything and anything.

Currently, you were flying over an uninhabited planet - well, uninhabited by normal people. But there were sure to be native species who were either unidentified or purposefully hidden from the public eye. Anyway, you find yourself picking up the transmission, but the sender is unknown. A video feed pops up, revealing a figure in some sort of black coat, a laser rifle attached to their hip. Judging by their build and chest, they were male, but you couldn't exactly tell on your own, as they wore some sort of metallic mask that reminded you of a Frost Wyrm skull.

"Greetings, transporter." Their voice was warped, no doubt an effect of the mask to hide their identity, "No doubt you have come a long way to deliver those parts... but unfortunately for you, we cannot allow that." Oh boy, here we go. "You see, there is a certain... 'device' in one of the crates that, if allowed to pass through unhindered, would ruin us. So, as beautiful as you are-" Oh, what a gentleman, flattering someone in the middle of a threat, "You are going to have to die. Farewell." The transmission cuts, and almost immediately after, an explosion rocks your shields, resulting in them becoming visible, flickering before another blast completely wipes them out. A warning alarm blares out, but before you could initiate any kind of protocol, the engines are destroyed, and you're ship is sent slowly down towards the planet, gaining speed.

You stumble around, having a hard time getting to the controls, but when you do get there, you note that the emergency parachutes (which was a generated shield that appeared in the opposite direction to a planet's gravity pull, allowing for air to be gathered to ensure a slow descent) are still functioning, and quickly activate them. There's a jerk, but now you're going down a lot slower, an exhale leaving your lips. It takes a while, but eventually the ship lands, smoke rising from various points on it. You're alive, and checking the storage, the cargo is okay. But you're not going anywhere anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Rebecca made her way over the cargo that was now strewn across the bay floor until she found one of the pry-bars. She then looked at the dozen, or so, crates that she had been transporting, and picked one at random to begin opening. Somebody had just shot her down over what these crates contained, and she planned to find out what all the fuss was over.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The first crate holds energy cores that tumble out onto the floor, thankfully deactivated. Judging by their size, they're no doubt used for powering robots and human-sized machines. The next holes coils of various wires, and another boxes of ammunition. That might come in handy... if you could find a gun. After a few more crates containing more mechanical parts and machinery, you open one that has a rather peculiar object in it. A chest, easily opened, containing what looks like some sort of pendulum necklace. Picking it up, it's light in your hand, a pretty sweet accessory. But why was it considered cargo?

You could put it on. It probably suited you quite well, but then again, it might be sensory activated to do something once worn. Do you take the risk?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Rebecca held the ornament up to the light. This is the only thing that looks out of place, but why were they so worried about it? Well, regardless, I'm not about to leave it here for them to find, if they come down to search the crash-sight. Putting the necklace on, she let the small silver piece of jewelry disappear into the depths of her cleavage, and turned to head back to the cockpit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The necklace felt quite comfortable around your neck, and you immediately feel much more relaxed. Maybe it was the pendulum, or just the material But regardless, you head back to the cockpit with a clear head. When you arrive, you note that a port has been opened, revealing a chit that would go inside a codex. Since it came from your ship, there's no doubt that it was trustworthy. Slipping it into a slot, your codex buzzes to life before a hologram pops up, showing a featureless humanoid figure.

"Welcome... Rebecca. I am a specialized AI designed to help you organise and make using your codex much easier, thanks to JoyCo." Of course they'd make something like this. "This avatar is completely changeable, including skins, races, voices, clothing, personality and name." The avatar gestures and makes a HUD pop up, showing a variety of options for you to choose from. Nice, you could make your own best friend...! That sounded much happier in your head.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Rebecca could play with the AI later, for now she had more pressing matters to attend to. Reaching for the controls, she opened the blast shields and took her first look out the windows, eager to see just what kind of planet she had landed on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
As soon as they open, the smell of fresh, breathable air flows welcomed into your nostrils, causing you to take in a deep breath and sigh. That was a major relief. Looking outside revealed a rather lush forest... except the trees, grass and various plants were all autumn colours. But it looked rather safe. At least, that's what you'll think until you find some sort of giant monster that wants to rape you. But anyway...

The tree bark seems to be black in colour, and shines somewhat in the sunlight, so its bark was obviously a different material than Terran trees. the fruits on some of them are shaped like oblong pods, with streaks of green and orange wrapping around them. Perhaps you should go check them out... but you should probably look for some weapons first.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Heading to the storage closet, Rebecca rummaged around until she found the emergency landing survival kit. It contained everything a person needed to get by in the wild for at least a week. Checking the supplies, she came up with several bundles of rations, a flare gun, bedroll, single person tent, laser pistol, camp ax, and eating utensils. The pack also contained a water purifier, which she would probably need to put to use sooner rather than later; she doubted that the ship's water tanks had survived the crash unbreached. As she was pulling the pack onto her back, she paused to look at the ships radar.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It was flickering, and if it emitted sound, then static would probably be echoing from it. It was completely fried, no chance of figuring out what's in the area. Guess you'd have to find out the old fashioned way. Once you've sorted out your stuff, and gotten some of the extra ammunition from the crates, you head outside, making sure to close the ship's entrance so nothing got in. Except you when you came back.

You could go around and explore the area, or try and figure out what those strange fruits are, maybe taste one if you think it's safe.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Knowing full well the dangers of eating strange food on alien planets, Rebecca set off to try and find tree tall enough to let her get the lay of the land. Or, baring that, a hill. She kept her camp ax handy, in case she needed to try and defend herself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
As you walk, a call startles you, but it's similar to that of a songbird. Except, it actually sounded somewhat like a flute. It's tempting to stop and listen for a while, but instead you push forward. Eventually, you come across a clearing, the grass more lush here. In the middle seems to be a source of water, but it's tinted green, and there are tiny little fish swimming around in it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Pulling out the water purifier, Rebecca extended the small hose from the side of the devise and dipped it into the pond, before letting it run and fill up the plastic sack attached to the other end. With the purifier running, she headed for the tallest tree at the edge of the clearing, and began to climb.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The tree's branches are dense, making it difficult to get up to the top, especially with your massive bust, but you manage to squeeze through, sticking your head up through the trees. There are a few taller ones around, but this allows you to get a good view anyway. Behind you is the ship, clear as day, which was both a good thing and a bad thing, for the obvious reason: It's easy to see. There were a lot more trees, and a few more glades and clearings scattered around the place.

Further to what you think is the north, a rather dense gathering of trees leading into a darker forest loomed, no doubt packed with dangerous creatures. Should probably explore there at a later date. Before you can look around anymore, you hear a ping signalling that the purifier is done. Now, the big question: How on Terra were you going to get down?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Rebecca began picking her way back down the tree, the same way she'd gotten up. Once she was back down, she gathered up the water, and began heading for the next nearest glade; figuring that if there were any settlements on the planet, then that's where they'd be.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
During the trek, you hear a rustle in the bushes. It was small, so you pass it off as some sort of tiny animal, when a rather loud rustle shakes near you. Comically, you pause and slowly turn around, only to come face to face with two pairs of glaring, hungry black eyes. Before you realise it, you're barreling in the opposite direction, heavy footsteps and roaring echoing out after you. You look back, seeing a huge mass of chitin-covered muscle chasing you, the sound of clicking mandibles accompanying it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Giant bugs, really?! Rebecca rounded trees as fast as she could; fortunately, the survival pack was designed to be light, but it still weighed her down, so she didn't dare try to out sprint this thing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
You stumble into a clearing, running as fast as you can, only to find an inconvenient twig tugging at your foot and making you trip. You fall forwards, the ground approaching your face rather quickly, but your two pairs of giant fleshy cushions break your fall. Of course, it hurts, because they're sensitive, but not as much as it would have if it was your face that landed on the ground.

Before you can try to get up, a shadow looms over you, mandibles clicking and sending terrified chills down your spine. You feel a hot breath on your neck, and slowly you turn your head... only to see some sort of large scarab beetle staring at you curiously, its two big, beady eyes staring at you. Not the hungry beast from before.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Not another one," Rebecca cried, backing up as fast as she could.

[Gotta go. Bed time.]


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The bug reaches forward, grabbing one of your feet and pulling you back, before picking you up with both hands, showing a lot of strength. And yet, it didn't eat you, it just clicked its mandibles and stared, as if examining you. This proves to be true when it turns you around in its grip, studying your backside before placing you down. As you're turned around, you couldn't help but notice four gleams of light in the darkness, and a shiver runs down your body. Was that the creature from before?

Before you could question it, the sound of scuttling echoes from behind you, and you turn to see the bug crawling into a tree, plucking a few of those strange pods before hopping down. It beckons you closer with an arm, before splitting one of the fruits in half, revealing small balls of a pink colouration, which it takes and eats. It then offers the other half to you. Do you accept?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Intelligent. These bugs are intelligent. Not wanting to spoil first contact with a new species, Rebecca reached out and took the offered food. Plucking on of the pink balls from the body of the fruit, she slowly put it in her mouth.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It's chewy, and takes a little work, but suddenly it pops, letting a sweet, yet somewhat spicy liquid fill your mouth. It's a weird flavour... but not a bad one. The outer 'shell' is edible too, but it's bland, like a plain wafer. Regardless, you end up eating the rest of your half, and watch as the insect calmly tosses the pod behind him, before splitting another one. He did it the exact same way as the first, always making it crack in the middle, putting pressure in the middle with its digits instead of really bending it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Thank... you.. that... very... good..." she said, speaking slowly and rubbing her stomach while smiling. "Can... you... speak?" she asked.

[exactly how tall is this beetle-man?]


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
(About half your size, plus your whole size.)

The bug cocks its head, mandibles giving a click, before it seemed to remember something. It began clicking randomly, but it sounded familiar... Morse code? The bug repeats the clicks: dot dot dot dot, dot, dot dash dot dot, dot dash dot dot, dash dash dash. Oh, it's saying hello.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Rebecca's eyes lit up and she looked around until she spotted a pair of small rocks. Picking them up, she tried her best to remember codes for each word. "You, know, morse? How?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The mandibles click faster this time, and it takes longer to translate, but it roughly says "Star man taught me. Said it for strange visitors. Like him."

So someone else has been to this planet, and taught the locals how to use Morse code. Is he still here?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Yes." It clicked, before taking a moment to eat one of the pink balls, cleanings its mandibles afterwards before continuing "They taught others. But only for star walkers." It offers you another pod half, before looking into the forest, chittering to itself "... monsters in darkness. Need to move." It clicks, before standing up "Eat quickly. We leave soon."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"My ship's not far," she said, before scarfing down the rest of her food.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"No. They will get you. Need light." The bug states, somehow sounding firm. It gently but strongly grabs your arm before dragging you through the forest. Twigs snap behind you, but the bug leading you doesn't seem too worried. Eventually, you reach a rather large tree, but before you could ask how this could provide light, the bug picks you up and scuttles up the tree into the branches. Placing you down, it tugs on a vine wrapped along the tree branches, causing the flowers on it to bloom and glow, lighting up the area.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Rebecca marveled at the spectacle, as the glowing flowers gave off their light. Looking around, she tried to get a sense of just how big the tree was.