Anyone know if Garrett would eventually be a party member?


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
The content later on that mentions him joining a merc company seems to be setting him up to "get on a bus" essentially, but his monk-ish playstyle and personality just seems like it would be, well really sad to see him just be kinda done or a npc. I think there's already a couple party members being worked on, but him and Byvernia just seem a little unique to have not been used, byv with hybrid ranged/melee and mystery, and garrett with unarmed. feels like it'd be more meaningful to take him with you and maybe have exclusive growth from certain quests, leveling, and seeing the world, and you help him gradually grow as a friend/love interest. byvernia feels unique enough that its just kinda weird for her to be more like vari but i dunno, just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Nope. Garret's written by The Observer, who already has a party member (Kiyoko), and there can only be one party member per writer (except for Savin, who's the lead writer, Wsan, who's using the loophole that Brint and Brienne are technically the same character, and B, who adopted HugsAlright's Berwyn after some controversy preventing the latter from writing for CoC2 anymore). I don't remember who Byvernia's writer is, but her author either already has a party member or isn't on the list of 'writers allowed to write a party member'. The only party members yet to be implemented are Einin (mecian thief by William) and Agnimitra (phoenix-girl by B).