Any tips on smut?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
I have been writing for a number of years(Not for games of any sort let alone Fen's) and I'm at least moderately popular, but nothing I've ever written has been--As Savin puts it-- Of a smutty persuasion.

I am finding that to be the most difficult part solely because I've never done it before so even though I read so much of it so often I can't quite get the awesome scene in my head out onto the document.

Does anyone have any tips on getting better or getting more used to writing smut?

Tips on being appropriately vague when I don't want to use a parser, to avoid parser overload?

Things you can throw into a majority of sex scenes and get away with it even if it seems repetitive?

The parts of sex you find the sexiest, and the parts you find the least sexy?(The problem with my smut is that after I've written it, it just doesn't seem sexy enough!)

Or should I just keep practicing, and start writing TiTS fanfiction for a while before I continue trying to write sex scenes for content?

On a side note, where do I post TiTS fanfiction on this forum?

Thanks in advance to anyone with the heart to answer. I understand that I might just need a cold slap to wake me up from my dreams, but please don't.

Don't be the dad who sits his son down and says, 'Look, kid. You suck at baseball, and you just don't have the talent to get better.'

That's the worst kind of person. Even if I'm no good with smut now, it's only inexperience and I'm sure I'll get better.


Jan 8, 2016
The way I started (and still do, although I've been working on it) was to just focus on sexual adjectives/descriptors without the parser. The thought process for me is something like, what kind of sex is this going to be? If it's rough and dominant, how is that going to manifest in the mannerisms of the dom? Is he going to be casual or brutal, or maybe she speaks with a smile but then treats you like a toy. What's the purpose of the sex? Is it with a recurring character, and if so how are they going to treat you in the future? For one of my characters, the initial sex scene is him offhandedly suggesting Steele suck his dick under a table. When she actually does it, he then proceeds to treat her like she always wants it. In this way, the future interactions with him are affected because of the nature of the encounter. As for parser usage, I opt for 'sparingly but when it's important'. Most people want to see their cock or pussy described at least once - the initial penetration (if there is one) of the scene is a great time to do it imo. Thing about writing sex for TiTS is that everyone is an absolute snowflake, as you can tell if you've ever read the "describe your steele" thread. The forums are worse about it than the general populace, but nevertheless the parser functions are a godsend when it comes to describing a character. Just don't overdo it because seeing the same 3 word descriptor of your dick gets annoying.

I've only written a few things outside TiTS and my writing tends to focus entirely on the sensation of sex rather than verbosely describing it as an erotic experience because, frankly, I find it hotter than flowery descriptions. Take that into account when you read my advice though, what "works" for me might not for you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
  1. Keep on doing it. Do peer reviews every now and then.
  2. A game writer should be able to answer to that question.
  3. It depends.
  4. Don't be overtly flowery. Don't describe every round item or body part as an orb. Don't write as if you were doing an entry for a medical book either. Remember that foreplay is a thing. Inserting plug a in port b followed by "and they kept on fucking" is not cool and it's certainly not what makes a female come. Speaking of ladies, I want no lip-biting females. Some things hurt. I know some people like it, but... for the love of eveything that's good and holy, don't write dialogues the way you'd find them on a poorly made doujinshi translation. Especially if it verges on redundance. That is, if you have x pounding y, don't have y yell "Ahn...!  X is pounding me~ Whyyy?".
  5.  I don't know.
  6.  This way, please.
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Aug 27, 2015
Wsan's advice is good. I could write a short guide to writing sex scenes in TiTS/Savoxo games in general as I once did for CoC, if anyone's interested in that. I've never really been able to adjudge how good I really am at writing sex - being able to complete stuff is way more important than being able to write excellent prose in this business.

But basically: Think about the mood of your sex scene, and let the personality of the NPC(s) colour it. Don't let it drift away into a completely mechanical description, keep calling back to that mood you established by having the NPC say and do different stuff throughout, so there is a consistent tone. Remember that you almost certainly are going to have to do at least two sex scenes, so don't spaff all of your A game on the penis scene and then realize you have nothing in the tank for the fanny variant. Always remember that unless you gate content effectively the PC could be anyone, so try and keep specific thoughts to a minimum. They are enjoying what's going on, that is pretty much the only assumption you can make.

Oh, and

Don't write dialogues the way you'd find them on a poorly made doujinshi translation. Especially if verges on redundance. That is, if you have x pounding y, don't have y yell "Ahn...!  X is pounding me~ Whyyy?

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to keep overt anime tropes out of your writing. Thermic was a fine writer but if he had a problem, it was that. That shit completely rots your ability to write convincing dialogue and thought-patterns.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
being able to complete stuff is way more important than being able to write excellent prose in this business.

This is really the most important point here. I'd rather have an average, finished chunk of content than one amazing scene and then never see the author again. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Using the parser is a judgment call that you just have to get a feel for. I personally feel I overuse it and that it needs to be kept to a bare minimum, but at the same time it's necessary if you end up describing character anatomy at regular intervals. I use the general guideline of "use a specific parser call no more than once a paragraph." If you use [pc.cock 0] two sentences in a row, that's surefire repetition and it's going to look weird. But the good news is that rarely, if ever, would you need to parse the same thing so frequently. Readers are (hopefully) going to be paying attention, and the parser calls tend to be pretty verbose in their description. Like a powerful spice, you really don't need them that much. Calling out [pc.cock 0] and then saying "your cock" or "your dick" a few times is going to keep the imagery the parser gave fresh, because "cock" and "dick" are vague and the readers are going to build an image of them using the most detailed information they have. Using the parser over and over just gets redundant.

There are actually nuances... For instance, there are underused parser call [pc.cockNoun], which returns relevant, but simple noun without the overly long description, and barely even used [pc.cockNounComplex] which is something between, and things like [pc.cockShape]...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I have a few tips:

1. Be careful with repetitive sentence structure. With smut is easier to fall in the trap of starting phrases with the same pronoun.

2. Don't use the same parser more than once per paragraph. And look for different parsers that can be used.

3. Remember that not all characters with cock/vaginas have balls/breasts.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I have a few tips:

1. Be careful with repetitive sentence structure. With smut is easier to fall in the trap of starting phrases with the same pronoun.

2. Don't use the same parser more than once per paragraph. And look for different parsers that can be used.

3. Remember that not all characters with cock/vaginas have balls/breasts.

That third point is becoming increasingly relevant with the addition of new nipple types. Reading through old scenes sometimes I'll come across a description of someone pinching my lipples.... ouch. I can only imagine the increasing logical lapses with inverted/dick nipples. It's something that can't be helped but in the unique sphere of writing for a game like this you have to consider all possible parsers- including possible future ones.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Writer can try forsee possible future new parsers NS rewrite slight scenes to make sense when something changed. Trying to say someone who want start wirte smut about remembering not only all current parsers but to try predict what weird parsers can come ut in future would be slight discouraging imho.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
Thank you all very much.

I'll do some practice in the Art section of the Helldump with fanfiction, and see what people think. If it takes me months to get my sex to a point where it's often complemented, I'll limit my attempts at contribution to TFs and other items.


Jan 8, 2016
I'm just gonna temper your expectations right now: 99% of the people who read your sex stuff will not ever compliment it and you will never actually know if it's really good. On top of that, most of the feedback you receive will be from people who aren't writers themselves and don't know what writing is about. That said, it'll still be useful because almost anyone can read something and get a general idea of "this is shit" or "this is great". Just keep in mind what you're actually aiming for with the scene, imo. If you're lucky, the writers or someone from fengames will spare the time to look at your stuff and say "this is great, but this bit is shit/stilted/whatever". That is by far the most useful feedback you can get.

Honestly if you've played enough CoC/TiTS I think you can just get a feel for how the writing flows/works. Some authors are more "purple" than others, but the core of it remains and that's what it's about regardless of how it's conveyed. Fuck, this is sounding more and more vague as I go on. :arts:


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
99% of the people who read your sex stuff will not ever compliment it

most of the feedback you receive will be from people who aren't writers themselves and don't know what writing is about.

anyone can read something and get a general idea of "this is shit" or "this is great".

Just keep in mind what you're actually aiming for with the scene, imo.

If you're lucky, the writers or someone from fengames will spare the time to look at your stuff and say "this is great, but this bit is shit/stilted/whatever". That is by far the most useful feedback you can get.

Honestly if you've played enough CoC/TiTS I think you can just get a feel for how the writing flows/works.

Some authors are more "purple" than others, but the core of it remains and that's what it's about regardless of how it's conveyed. Fuck, this is sounding more and more vague as I go on. :arts:

I'm pretty accomplished as a fanfiction writer so I know mostly what to expect to see from the community. About 1 in 1000 readers review on FFN.

Yeah most readers are there for the story and could care less about the writing style. In this case they might even just be there to pull their pud to smut.

Almost anyone. Some people will enjoy even the worst of writing.

I will. Thank you, and everyone who came after you, for your wonderful advice.

I'd probably orgasm.

fengames were my introduction to the internet so I've definitely play at least more than I should have; Not sure if it's enough.

I'm assuming based on this and previous, purple means too descriptive and ramble-like. I hope to be heavily corrected if I flow in this direction.

I really can't thank you all enough, and I hope to supply at least a modicum of acceptable content to the fandom.

I don't need luck, please wish me persistence.