AMP, the spiritual AI. Gauging interest.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I made this character a long time ago but I don't think it got much support, either because it was a bad idea or I didn't develop it enough.

So here goes take two. AMP will be a spiritual, almost monk-like designed AI operating in the icy waters of Uveto under the authority of SteeleTech. AMP will be friendable and sexable at first, but if AMP gets popular I'll add expansions to her functionality, like more talk scenes, or just random going-ons. Maybe some black market pregnancy modifications so AMP can bear young. I really like it when new content gets added to TiTS, so I hope this will satisfy the lot of you who like downloading the next version of TiTS and seeing all that exciting stuff.

Go on and ask questions so I'll know what to add in when I make the event submission, as well as flesh out some parts of the character I haven't thought of yet.

I have an idea doc going. Check it out.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
What are her three sizes?
What is the color of her pantsu?
Is she single?
Is she legal?

More serious questions now:
You mentioned monk-like. Will she be Zenyata-like? Will she follow a standard religion, or one which involves robos? Robos are rarely given much freedom in the TiTS society as far as I know.
What does AMP stand for?
What kinda pregnancy mods are we talking about? Can we come with ideas?
And on the topic of pregnancy mods, was that just a random thought you came with, or is there a specific reason as to why she would sell pregnancy mods?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
d00d shes liek totuly hawt wit big tittehs.

You mentioned monk-like. Will she be Zenyata-like?

In one of my drafts for this post I actually specifically mentioned that, so yes. Very questioning about existence. Kinda like Bess too, but you aren't actually present for her "enlightenment". As for religion, she doesn't really believe in anything per se. She's basically what you would expect of someone who has a lot of alone time to sit down and reflect. In AMP's case, she's had nothing but the calm, icy waters of Uveto's sea to do her thinking in.

In her content I'm thinking of having her own little block on Uveto where she's built a little camp with shit made of rocks and stuff. Castaway style.

What does AMP stand for?

Automated Mineral Prospector. As stated, she skirts the seas for mineral deposits. I'm thinking of letting the PC give her a name after the PC approaches the topic. This is also super lore friendly since SteeleTech is specifically a mineral company in the codex, and JoyCo made Bess, and AMP could be a precursor to Bess.

What kinda pregnancy mods are we talking about? Can we come with ideas?

I believe you misunderstand. I intend for AMP to be a bearer of young, or to impregnate the PC. Something JimT was going to do with Bess but I think he's retired now. I also updated the post to reflect this.

Keep them coming.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
First of all thanks for the quick response.

This is also super lore friendly since SteeleTech is specifically a mineral company in the codex, and JoyCo made Bess, and AMP could be a precursor to Bess.
Precursor? I don't quite get what you mean.

d00d shes liek totuly hawt wit big tittehs.
Awww yisss!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Precursor? I don't quite get what you mean.

Basically Bess was a finished product, more or less. You can tell with all the JoyCo branding and fancy shit she has. She even hums the JoyCo jingle.
You could look at AMP as a less finished, refined product. SteeleTech wanted her for industrial work, so all the preprogrammed junk that JoyCo would normally put in a droid was skimmed. Like a skeleton of Bess, though decades of existence have brought AMP up to par with other droids, with some unique perks to boot.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Feel free to comment if you want to know more. I'm really trying to gauge interest but it's also nice to get feedback. I'll put a post in Event Submissions when I get a doc in order.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Maya series seems to be JoyCo own creation I I feel lil weird seeing how ouyr PC company made prototype for Maya companion droids o_O
Well sort of been like in past JoyCo and Steele Co made their own projects for same things and then JoyCo been massively succesful when Steele project wasn't unable to catch up.

A devilish idea...since she got ties with Bess line does it mean possibility of sharing parts between her and Bess? xD

Well not get me wrong I'm interested in AMP so been tossing those thoughts of mine reading what was said already.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I doubt Steele Co. would use JoyCo crap for their operations, perhaps AMP could be a KihaCorp AI?

In any case, i'm definitely interested.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well JoyCo and Kiha was meantioned to have (un)friendly rivlity in field of AI/Vi so another thing to cement it then? Hehe Kiha Yandere AI sitting n Uveto and looking for minerals....well that could be interesting to see how she woud be interacting with PC.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Maya series seems to be JoyCo own creation I I feel lil weird seeing how ouyr PC company made prototype for Maya companion droids o_O
I forgot to mention she was commissioned by SteeleTech from JoyCo. STC isn't an AI company and I know that.

devilish idea...since she got ties with Bess line does it mean possibility of sharing parts between her and Bess? xD

Huehuehue, good idea.

I doubt Steele Co. would use JoyCo crap

Well JoyCo and Kiha was meantioned to have (un)friendly rivlity in field of AI/Vi so another thing to cement it then? Hehe Kiha Yandere AI sitting n Uveto and looking for minerals....well that could be interesting to see how she woud be interacting with PC.

I think KihaCorp has a monopoly on companions and JoyCo has a monopoly on industry. It would make sense for STC to go for JoyCo.

I'm hoping Savin or Fen show up and give their opinions, given they established the companies and they more or less have total reign over the lore.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
JoyCo is sorta the bargain brand, medical stuff aside. Not so much as J'ejune, but methinks of Steele Tech were to get a VI for technical work, or something to manage endeavors of considerable investment, then they would go for the more professional KihaCorp brand. While KihaCorp's industrial branch is sorta underdeveloped than more focused companies like Reaper, the quality of their stuff is still likely to exceed a JoyCo equivalent by a considerable margin, due to their focus on quality over mass production.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Does not compute. Big tittehs are meh, not hot.
Was joke. I don't have size down yet.
I might do chub since there isn't a lot of love for it, but maybe I'll save it for a different character. Body type is a hard thing to pin down for an AI character given most of them allow you to change it anyways.

JoyCo is sorta the bargain brand, medical stuff aside. Not so much as J'ejune, but methinks of Steele Tech were to get a VI for technical work, or something to manage endeavors of considerable investment, then they would go for the more professional KihaCorp brand. While KihaCorp's industrial branch is sorta underdeveloped than more focused companies like Reaper, the quality of their stuff is still likely to exceed a JoyCo equivalent by a considerable margin, due to their focus on quality over mass production.
The idea behind using a designed AI for AMP was she would be highly adaptable. If STC wanted to massively retrain her, they could. Grown AIs are based off humans, and so it would follow that their intelligence would crystallize as it does in humans, to the point where they would be less adaptable. There is no such limitation in designed AIs, theoretically.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Was joke. I don't have size down yet.
I might do chub since there isn't a lot of love for it, but maybe I'll save it for a different character. Body type is a hard thing to pin down for an AI character given most of them allow you to change it anyways.
Okay, if seriously - why specialized prospector bot would even be humanoid if it is designed to explore seas and barely even be seen by anyone but fishes?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Okay, if seriously - why specialized prospector bot would even be humanoid if it is designed to explore seas and barely even be seen by anyone but fishes?
Porn logic. My best answer.
I could also say it's because the AI was originally designed to WORK a humanoid body, but that would render my previous argument on adaptability pretty null.

So maybe because the humanoid form has the most utility? If STC wanted an adaptable AI it would be fitting to have an adaptable chassis. What better form than humanoid? STC might decide to relocate it to Mhen'ga later on. It'd be less expensive on the whole. Minerals dry up eventually.

Also the barbarians on Uveto might take kindly to something they can fuck over something they can't. :p

JoyCo is the Cheap Mass-Produced Crap company. Steele Tech emphasizes quality more strongly.

STC is irrelevant as they are a mining company and do not specialize in AI or their bodies. Additionally, Bess was certainly not cheap.

Also mass production doesn't matter in this instance because there was only ever one of AMP; STC had it custom ordered to spec. Quality becomes more of an imperative when building for a corporation with large sums of cash than when building for individuals. Have you seen how tough a military Humvee is versus your standard "work truck"? This is for you too, Zevos.

I do not recommend this course of action.
It'd be fun to have interactions. Sharing something, they are different models, so probably not. Still a thought.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Porn logic. My best answer.
I could also say it's because the AI was originally designed to WORK a humanoid body, but that would render my previous argument on adaptability pretty null.

So maybe because the humanoid form has the most utility? If STC wanted an adaptable AI it would be fitting to have an adaptable chassis. What better form than humanoid? STC might decide to relocate it to Mhen'ga later on. It'd be less expensive on the whole. Minerals dry up eventually.

Also the barbarians on Uveto might take kindly to something they can fuck over something they can't. :p
Why not make her a command module in charge of a whole bunch of VI equipped heavy machinery? Than both the use of an AI and the humanoid shape would make more sense. Depending on where do you want her to be at the time of meeting Steele, she could have struck out on her own disobeying orders, or taken her subordinates with her, or lost them to something like a Nilin attack.

STC is irrelevant as they are a mining company and do not specialize in AI or their bodies. Additionally, Bess was certainly not cheap.
JoyCo made exactly one attempt at making AI, as a result of a decision made due to some pretty specific market reasons. And since MAIA serious was a disastrous flop, they haven't been dealing with AI's ever since.

I can still a lot of possibilities for interactions between you robo-gal and Be(n/ss) even they aren't both JoyCo made.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It'd be fun to have interactions. Sharing something, they are different models, so probably not. Still a thought.

Couch mainly meant that anything that may even touch Bess content may cause Geddy rage explosion and may be shoot down right away. So idea was nice (since well it implied giving her artifical womb - something that Jim wanted to do) but may ends up making devs really really unhappy with you (especialy code dragon).


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Also mass production doesn't matter in this instance because there was only ever one of AMP; STC had it custom ordered to spec. Quality becomes more of an imperative when building for a corporation with large sums of cash than when building for individuals. Have you seen how tough a military Humvee is versus your standard "work truck"? This is for you too, Zevos.
I'm not quite sure what to say at this point. Logic has been twisted so confusingly that I'm unsure where relevance begins and ends. Or maybe i just need more coffee.
Methinks you should listen to Couch and Etis, they can probably explain various problems much better then i could.

Also, Bess is dangerous waters. Tread carefully.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Why not make her a command module in charge of a whole bunch of VI equipped heavy machinery? Than both the use of an AI and the humanoid shape would make more sense. Depending on where do you want her to be at the time of meeting Steele, she could have struck out on her own disobeying orders, or taken her subordinates with her, or lost them to something like a Nilin attack.

JoyCo made exactly one attempt at making AI, as a result of a decision made due to some pretty specific market reasons. And since MAIA serious was a disastrous flop, they haven't been dealing with AI's ever since.

I can still a lot of possibilities for interactions between you robo-gal and Be(n/ss) even they aren't both JoyCo made.

This was before Bess. I anticipated that. She's also not a sexbot at heart, but she has the body of an older model one, and I'm thinking of leaving remnants of her previous programming in so it'll make sense that she fucks the PC, or something else.

The command module bit is certainly interesting. I'm not sure about the insubordination, but it's worth looking into. I might give my own twist to it, like instead she has other machines that she built do the work while she meditates and pursues higher existence.

I'm not quite sure what to say at this point. Logic has been twisted so confusingly that I'm unsure where relevance begins and ends. Or maybe i just need more coffee.
More coffee. I'm being told that JoyCo just produces crap, but a lot of companies produce crap AND good stuff. It just depends on the customer. I'm trying to defend using JoyCo as the manufacturer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The command module bit is certainly interesting. I'm not sure about the insubordination, but it's worth looking into. I might give my own twist to it, like instead she has other machines that she built do the work while she meditates and pursues higher existence.

Perhaps have her be in charge of a sector's worth of mining drones?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Also, Bess is dangerous waters. Tread carefully

I get it's frustrating to deal with whatever hot mess Bess was, but I don't think that should limit development of the game, especially one that's making well over 20k a month. I don't know how that's split up or if it is at all, but I think that's enough incentive. If I were a member of the team, I'd write a graphical tool or a scene scripting language to make writing scenes easier. It might not be useful for plain old engine work, but it'll help immensely with just normal content additions, and the time saved could be used to maintain the tool whenever it needed changes. No offense to the team. Just my 2 cents.

Perhaps have her be in charge of a sector's worth of mining drones?
Perhaps. Finding enough to keep SteeleTech from investigating. Have them made out of salvaged shit like heatbelts and the disposable heat packs.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
More coffee. I'm being told that JoyCo just produces crap, but a lot of companies produce crap AND good stuff. It just depends on the customer. I'm trying to defend using JoyCo as the manufacturer.
JoyCo has three major nitches
  • High quality medical supplies
  • Mass produced cheap crap (High quality items are still usually significantly cheaper but lower quality then competitor's equivalents)
  • Sex toys. Not as specialized as Tamani or Humphard, but JoyCo has mid-grade VI tech whereas both aforementioned likely have theirs produced by a more specialized third party. This gives JoyCo the sexbot market. Also, JoyCo's general sex toy & tool lines probably are available at a much larger array of shops then either competitors.
I get it's frustrating to deal with whatever hot mess Bess was, but I don't think that should limit development of the game, especially one that's making well over 20k a month. I don't know how that's split up or if it is at all, but I think that's enough incentive. If I were them, I'd write a graphical tool or a scene scripting language to make writing scenes easier. It might not be useful for plain old engine work, but it'll help immensely with just normal content additions, and the time saved could be used to maintain the tool whenever it needed changes. No offense to the team. Just my 2 cents.
I'm not saying that Bess stuff is never going to be coded, its just that Fen and friends are almost certainly never going to code it. You'll need to figure out the coding for Bess adjacent content for yourself, either doing the work personally or finding someone else who will do it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I Perhaps. Finding enough to keep SteeleTech from investigating.

What do you mean by "finding enough to keep SteeleTech from investigating"? As an A.I., wouldn't she be designated to oversee the technical side of an part of an operation to begin with?

Also it's RhenWorld (a Steele Tech subsidiary Staffed mainly by Leithan) that does the mining on Uveto VII.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I'm not saying that Bess stuff is never going to be coded, its just that Fen and friends are almost certainly never going to code it. You'll need to figure out the coding for Bess adjacent content for yourself, either doing the work personally or finding someone else who will do it.
If I write a piece of quality content that people like, I think that it would be advantageous to add it even if it was complicated, as the time spent writing it would certainly dwarf the time spent coding it in. I'm sure JimT spent much more time writing Bess than Geddy did coding her, but don't quote me on it.

JoyCo has three major nitches

There aren't any actual industrial companies in TiTS other than STC to my knowledge, but AI isn't STC's thing. This could be its first foray, though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
What do you mean by "finding enough to keep SteeleTech from investigating"? As an A.I., wouldn't she be designated to oversee the technical side of an part of an operation to begin with?

Also it's RhenWorld (a Steele Tech subsidiary Staffed mainly by Leithan) that does the mining on Uveto VII.

I wasn't aware. That could certainly have implications lore wise. I'll do my research on RhenWorld and get back to you.