Amara is ridiculously OP


Active Member
Mar 14, 2017
I have tried everything, over and over again and she is just a damned buzzsaw. Attached to a brick. With a small squad of soldiers as if she herself wasn't enough. What the hell, man? I can see from the wiki she is an important character of some sort, but it's not cool to let your Villain Sue trample all over the player character. Do you WANT people to ragequit your otherwise excellent game?

To start, I suggest removing the squad of soldiers. She's already overpowered as it is for the level you fight her at, she doesn't need the help!. I suggest, since she's so badass, she tell her men to stand down and watch her wipe the floor with you. It's good drama, after all showboat badass villains often do that sort of thing, and it at least helps.

Secondly, kill that ridiculous invulnerability to energy weapons. Most of the best weapons in the game are lasers and it's not cool to render a player's gear useless without the slightest warning that such a thing is an eventuality they might need to prepare for. Does anything else in the game have a 90% plus resistance, especially without an equivalent weakness to exploit? What in the world justifies such a mechanic?

Speaking of weaknesses to balance her invulnerability, a third suggestion is to give her a vulnerability to electrical damage. After all, you should get a powerful electrical gun from the fight against Khan, it's a perfect setup for an "ahh my one weakness!" scenario. With an enemy this powerful, there needs to be a "smart path" to victory.

Another idea is to give a path to strategically avoid the fight or change the odds, with a warning that if you don't take it the fight ahead will be extremely difficult. I suggest you have to survive 5 rounds alone to cover Kara while she goes for a magnetic loading crane. You buy her the time, Kara picks her up with the magnet and she screams obscenities at you and vows revenge. You then just have to mop up the remnants of her squad with Kara's help, and then you're free to escape.

Regardless, making an enemy so overpowered with no way to avoid the fight or use a smart strategy to even the odds is not good game design. The point of an enemy character is to be a challenge but ultimately be beatable through either intelligence and observation or common sense tactics and level-appropriate gear and capability. Curbstomping your players unmercifully is a recipe for ragequit. The players aren't the enemy, it's your job as a storyteller and game designer to help them have a good time. Getting your face bashed against a brick wall of an unbeatable enemy is not a good time.

There's nothing wrong with being proud of a badass supervillain of your own design. There's nothing wrong either with making them powerful and tough to beat. You've clearly put a lot of heart and creative juices into this awesome pirate queen. But killing your players doesn't make them love to hate your villain, it makes them hate you for putting an impassable roadblock in the way of their good time.

Give the players a chance to slide out of there by the skin of their teeth feeling like they just dodged a cannon shell. They'll look forward to leveling and gearing up all while looking over their shoulder all the time wondering when the hammer is gonna fall and they'll have to face her again. That's good drama and an effective use of a villain. Slaughtering your players, not so much.

Please consider rebalancing this portion of the game.

General Drayfox

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
You don't even need to shake dat booty at her, just have some high-level gear equipped and use one of those +4 defence crystals, and maybe having some shield and health boosters.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
You don't even need to shake dat booty at her, just have some high-level gear equipped and use one of those +4 defence crystals, and maybe having some shield and health boosters.
You may not need to, but most of the times attacking through lust and tease is a LOT easier than brute force.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
You don't even need to shake dat booty at her, just have some high-level gear equipped and use one of those +4 defence crystals, and maybe having some shield and health boosters.
Trying to brute force it as a tech is just masochism.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Protip: If you say that you're doing the quest for money, she'll offer to buy Kara from you. This allows you to finish the quest without fighting her. I fully endorse this if you're playing a tech specalist that is not otherwise capable of defeating her.

Assuming you're planning on trying to defeat her the old fashioned way, keep in mind that the entire tech specalist is pretty much obsolete against her. You'll need to rely upon evasion, lust weapons and a great deal of luck to defeat her. Though, really, its far less stressful to sell Kara to her. She has it coming, and while on one hand she might theoretically eventually have future content, the same could be said of Amara.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
You are the child of one of the galaxy's best sluts. Live up to your heritage.

That said, she's in god damn power armor, expecting to harm her with conventional weapons is entirely your fault. Or at the very least the fault of video games who don't have meaningful or any sorts of gameplay to deal with resistances teaching you bad habits.

Also techies are pretty much fucked in general and their weapon choice is pretty abysmal when it comes to resistances because they got like one fucking damage type and if something is going to turn out to be resistant to something you can be your left nut it's going to bne lasers.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Also techies are pretty much fucked in general and their weapon choice is pretty abysmal when it comes to resistances because they got like one fucking damage type and if something is going to turn out to be resistant to something you can be your left nut it's going to bne lasers.
Two damage types. 94.5% (45%+90%) and 55% resistant.
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Active Member
Mar 14, 2017
It's kind of hard to seduce an enemy when you're a dead chunk of hamburger. And really, "she's wearing power armor what do you expect" is not an answer when there is no method to counter such a thing in the game. If the power armor is such that it makes her virtually unbeatable, then that is a problem because a good enemy should be a tough challenge but not a nigh-invulnerable source of endless defeat screens. That's poor game design, and "git gud" is not a valid response to legitimate player frustration.

None of the suggestions I've given would prevent there being a "hard mode" option for those who are just that badass that they can handle the fight without problem. But when other threads also describe her as a "stonewall" and a major roadblock for players that is out of proportion with anything else at that point in the game or even later still, that's a problem. Game design doesn't mean curbstomping your players.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
It's kind of hard to seduce an enemy when you're a dead chunk of hamburger. And really, "she's wearing power armor what do you expect" is not an answer when there is no method to counter such a thing in the game. If the power armor is such that it makes her virtually unbeatable, then that is a problem because a good enemy should be a tough challenge but not a nigh-invulnerable source of endless defeat screens. That's poor game design, and "git gud" is not a valid response to legitimate player frustration.

None of the suggestions I've given would prevent there being a "hard mode" option for those who are just that badass that they can handle the fight without problem. But when other threads also describe her as a "stonewall" and a major roadblock for players that is out of proportion with anything else at that point in the game or even later still, that's a problem. Game design doesn't mean curbstomping your players.

There's been threads like that before and many have said that lust attack/teasing works.

Can't shoot them down? Flash 'em and see if that works. It's almost like the tutorial WAS supposed to be useful in that notion. :U

She doesn't need a god damn nerf, she's in POWER ARMOR so it's GONNA be hard to brute force her, and yet is VERY vulnerable to lust. Make use of that and flash your tits/dick. It's really not as hard as you're making it out to be.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
You are facing a enemy with high physical defenses. Much like some autonomous machines are incapable of getting flashed into submission, sometimes you ought to use other tricks in your toolbox.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015

Dude I beat her on my second attempt.
The first one I tried brute forcing it, and I actually almost beat her using EMP's and stun attacks.
The second one I just leveled up the tease attack that damaged her the most after checking then using it.
It helped also that I leveled up as much as I could for a "tough" boss, you know?

This is like saying a boss in an RPG who is immune to physical attacks is terrible designing when that boss gets demolished by magic.
Get off your high horse and try something to fit the situation?
There are a lot of games where a developer makes a boss weak to something to throw players for a loop.
How about when a boss is invincible to all damage from the player?
Like a certain space game I know of on console for instance.
The boss was a giant alien monster that was too big and tough skinned for the player to do damage to it with a measly rifle.
But after he brought it to a specific location it activated an event with the ships laser cannons.

Saying something is impossible without trying all options to their fullest capacity is not only lazy.
It make you seem like some 5year old who didn't get his way when you complain about it on a forum like this...

Maybe this information helped you a bit? <3

Lord Lodestar

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2016
Amara's basically the "Use Curaga/a Phoenix Down on the undead guy" type boss. And, hell, you should count your lucky stars that sex appeal even works at all in this scenario.

Going along with KaraQuest 2 is basically the worst possible thing Steele could do as far as keeping a low profile goes. At least right now anyway.
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Active Member
Mar 14, 2017
I tried lust attaclks, she killed me too fast for them to work. What level do you suggest, considering I did powerlevel like twice beyond what I earned simply from playing. I'm not an RPG noob, I always mix in some level grinding with my play to make sure I can handle reasonable challenges. I beat the deep caverns of Myrellion, though I did need to free Dane to do it. If the Kara quest is so far beyond the Myrellion one, why put it right afterwards in the story progression? Delay it some, to make sure the character can handle it.

I'm level 8, my Aim and Reflexes are 33 each and the other stats are 14. I specialize in aimed weapons and have a Salamander Rifle and an Electrogun. I really want to be able to beat this damned thing because I like electrical weapons and I want Khan's Arc gun sooo badly.

Can you suggest any kind of armor or defensive gear I could use to help me survive long enough to seduce the psycho bitch?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
try getting your skills close to max? thats what I do before even attempting it. Also having max tease helps to. If you can try stunning her then tease for better survivability. Finally goo armor with the reflective upgrade from myrellion helps alot too.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Higher stats are very important for beating Amara. If she is killing you too quickly for lust to work, you are excessively weak for a level eight. For methods of raising stats, check out this thread.

Anyway, I understand your problem with Amara. Story time!

The first time I fought Amara I was a near max smuggler, and I'm not sure that she got more than one hit on me, and I never thought of using lust. When I fought her for the first time as a techie, I was expecting a similar rout. When I was soundly defeated, I thought I did something wrong and tried again, and again, and again, each time refining my technique, in an almost endless loop of disbelief. I should mention that I had saved over my main save during the quest, as I wasn't expecting anything that would come close to causing a bad end, so I wasn't carrying anything specifically to counter her, and I was stuck unless I wanted to go back to day two. I eventually had an attempt where I defeated her goons and got her below 50 HP and was then promptly stun-locked to defeat, resulting in the only moment where I have felt the need to rage-quit TiTS.

Then I used lust (via the goo cannon), and punched her off the side of the building in three turns.

Moral of the story: Carrying (or being) weapons with a variety of damage types will greatly reduce frustration.

General Drayfox

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
You are all weak, like little babies!
But seriously, she can be brute forced into submission with the PC still having half-shields and full health+energy, you just need to be prepared.


Active Member
May 30, 2016
I do find it rather funny that Amara who looks like a total S class babe is weakest against lust attacks.
On the other hand I hope that one day we can: A) meet her on more... intimate terms (which don't involve a game over)
B) Buy some of that tech from her, cause damn my merc felt emasculated when he saw the gear she was packing.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Meh just brute-force her, it was easy as hell with my mercenary.

But yes Tease/lust attacks works too.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Meh just brute-force her, it was easy as hell with my mercenary.

But yes Tease/lust attacks works too.
If OP could follow your advise of brute forcing her, this thread wouldn't exist, making your comment callous and unnecessary.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
If OP could follow your advise of brute forcing her, this thread wouldn't exist, making your comment callous and unnecessary.
I merely said what i did when i was faced with her.

There are others in this thread that have already gave the OP alot of good advice on how to deal with Amara.
I didnt say anything else because they have already told him/her how to deal with Amara.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm level 8, my Aim and Reflexes are 33 each and the other stats are 14.
Dem's some weak-ass stats yo!
I specialize in aimed weapons and have a Salamander Rifle and an Electrogun. I really want to be able to beat this damned thing because I like electrical weapons and I want Khan's Arc gun sooo badly.
So why are you using the statistically out-dated Electro gun when you could equip Khan's Arc Caster already, if you are goung the brute force approach. And why aren't you carrying a goovolver or slutray around if you didn't level your tease attacks?

Can you suggest any kind of armor or defensive gear I could use to help me survive long enough to seduce the psycho bitch?
I beat Amara in several playthroughs and I was either wearing the upgraded goo armor or the Void plate armor you find in that very mission and if you need some extra armor you can always use the crystal shard that you can buy in the Nyrea village outside of Taivra's palace (which I didn't need to use in order to beat Amara).

And by the way, in all my playthroughs when I beat Taivra, the nyrea queen I didn't need to free Dane.

You say that you aren't an RPG noob, yet you act like one. :colbert:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Well there's always the option of grind all your stats to 40 and then do the god damn quest. Most of the content in game have no time constraints. I mean I am at like 800day on my main save due to repeated pregnancy leave. I mean it's like my purpose to fill the universe with Sera spawns.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
The tutorial of the game teaches you that some enemies are immune to certain kinds of attacks.

Amara has extraordinary physical defense, and even moreso against energy/electrical weapons. Her introduction explicitly calls her out as wearing fucking power armor to emphasize this. Further, the goons she's paired with throw a constant volley of Flash Grenades, which significantly reduce your Accuracy with weapon attacks, further discouraging you from attacking her. If that doesn't work, then the first turn or two of your doing single-digit damage should probably alert you to the fact that she's probably not going down from your attacks.

However, she has low-to-no defense against Lust-based attacks. If you've leveled up your Tease skills, you should be able to take her down in a few turns. As a Tech, using your shield recharge over time talent is a good way to keep her from obliterating you if you don't have any other healing or defense-boost items on hand.

That all being said, she's an optional boss at the end of an optional quest, with no time limit on responding to Kara's invitation. You'll eventually be able to come back when you're better leveled and equipped, once the level-cap is raised.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
IIRC, the Bimbo Siegwulfe does lust damage. Little, but it adds, and it's a free attack.
If sexiness adds to Tease/Lust, you can buff it (aside of the equipment) using Mangos and taking classes with the devilish guy (Fyn) on Tavros, for example.
The Gray Goo Armor (Nova) can "activate" a clone of herself that does extra lust damage as a free action (she can also heal -limited- and "learn" a reflective skill)