Amara fight bugged?

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Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Yeah, as I said. No miss chance, just a chance of being resisted (in contrast to Amara's stun, for example, or Headbutt, which involve both a chance to miss, and the check to resist).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, as I said. No miss chance, just a chance of being resisted (in contrast to Amara's stun, for example, or Headbutt, which involve both a chance to miss, and the check to resist).

It's basically the same for skills without damage. Only differently flavored text.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't follow what you're trying to say.

Miss chance:
if(random) "your shot goes wide"

Resist chance:
if(random) "your enemy resisted"

The real difference is when there are actual roll for shot which can it or miss and second roll for secondary effect which depends on that hit or miss.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
The real difference is when there are actual roll for shot which can it or miss and second roll for secondary effect which depends on that hit or miss.

But that's exactly what I've been talking about the whole time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Eh, the Techie starter perk doesn't offer a miss chance. Neither does the Black Void Juggernaut's shield slam stun.

I was talking specifically about NPCs' abilities and Paralyze status effect is technically different from stun, even if the end result is similar. I must admit though, I did skip the Juggernaut and Kara Dungeon NPCs in general.

With that out of the way, what do you think about the idea I mentioned?

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Meh, you'd have to separate "purely physical stuns" from, well, what? Then you'd have to make shields do something for it, and shields are already ridiculously useful. And then you'd have the problem that it wouldn't work when you most needed it (that is to say, when your shields were down).


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Meh, you'd have to separate "purely physical stuns" from, well, what? Then you'd have to make shields do something for it, and shields are already ridiculously useful. And then you'd have the problem that it wouldn't work when you most needed it (that is to say, when your shields were down).

Purely physical = kinetic based things shield emmiters provide resistance bonus against (or 'should provide fluff-wise' in case of non damaging abilities), as opposed to things like electric shocks or Vanae Milk/other drug stuns.

Since actual resist mechanics aren't universal and defined for each ability separately, and the check for shields being active already exists, it shouldn't be too hard to implement something like that.

The main purpose of that change would be prevent squishy techies from getting stun locked at least until their shields are down, which should be a decent number of turns even for Drone Specialists. After that, it's their own damn fault.


Feb 11, 2016
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it yet but the Secure MP + the rapid fire and second shot skills from the mercenary is an incredibly deadly combo. Four shots per turn means I only have to use rapid fire 3 or 4 times to down Amara, the only problem is surviving until the smoke bomb debuff wears off which is easy enough to handle with take cover.

On an off topic note I was wondering if anyone knew what the Power Armour flag does on the Aegis LMG.


Aug 26, 2015
On an off topic note I was wondering if anyone knew what the Power Armour flag does on the Aegis LMG.

Most likely, if the character using it is wearing power armor, then the weapon will be more reliable (probably increases the accuracy of the weapon).

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it yet but the Secure MP + the rapid fire and second shot skills from the mercenary is an incredibly deadly combo. Four shots per turn means I only have to use rapid fire 3 or 4 times to down Amara, the only problem is surviving until the smoke bomb debuff wears off which is easy enough to handle with take cover.

Ranged mercenary is in a really nice place, yeah. It also helps that the bonus damage from Concentrated Fire is Unresistable HP damage (best I can tell), and the armour piercing perk is pretty sweet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
I'm pretty sure this was a deliberate patch because Lust weapons are attacking a fixed pool of 100 points of "health", so applying multiple attacks to them makes them horrifyingly overpowered unless the opponent is immune to Lust in which case they're useless.

That sounds like a problem with how damage scaling or Lust works. The Goovolver is listed at 15 tease damage, and the Myr bow at 10 drug damage. At those values, 100 Lust is 7-10 separate shots, which is 3 or 5 rounds of fighting depending on your multishot perks, which sounds like what is expected based on Savin's posts, especially with some enemies that have more than 100 max lust, like the Juggernaut.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
That sounds like a problem with how damage scaling or Lust works. The Goovolver is listed at 15 tease damage, and the Myr bow at 10 drug damage. At those values, 100 Lust is 7-10 separate shots, which is 3 or 5 rounds of fighting depending on your multishot perks, which sounds like what is expected based on Savin's posts, especially with some enemies that have more than 100 max lust, like the Juggernaut.

True enough, having the damage scaling be the same for lust weapons as it is for physical damage weapons (stat/2 split between damage types) is part of the problem. But if lust weapons didn't scale, they'd be pointless compared to Tease.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
True enough, having the damage scaling be the same for lust weapons as it is for physical damage weapons (stat/2 split between damage types) is part of the problem. But if lust weapons didn't scale, they'd be pointless compared to Tease.

Not really, tease would have better lust damage when considering absolute values, and likely have more perks to scale with it as the game goes forward, but non-scaling lust weapons that worked with multishot perks would be an alternate means to get that level of lust output, allowing encounter designers to actually consider the lust win condition as something more than just "easy mode".


New Member
Feb 23, 2016
so what I'm getting is, "be a totally slut or you can't win the fight!" I understand that is what the game is about, but its kinda dumb if that is the only way to beat a boss fight. especially since my character isn't a totally cock whore. Also since people keep talking about "it makes sense that your weapons wouldn't do dmg to her" it wouldn't make since to start jerking off in a middle of a fire fight!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
so what I'm getting is, "be a totally slut or you can't win the fight!" I understand that is what the game is about, but its kinda dumb if that is the only way to beat a boss fight. especially since my character isn't a totally cock whore. Also since people keep talking about "it makes sense that your weapons wouldn't do dmg to her" it wouldn't make since to start jerking off in a middle of a fire fight!

the TITS universe runs on porn game logic. Water is wet, stuff falls down, stripping in combat is an excellent way to deal with people with high labidos and post battle rape is acceptable.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
so what I'm getting is, "be a totally slut or you can't win the fight!" I understand that is what the game is about, but its kinda dumb if that is the only way to beat a boss fight. especially since my character isn't a totally cock whore. Also since people keep talking about "it makes sense that your weapons wouldn't do dmg to her" it wouldn't make since to start jerking off in a middle of a fire fight!

You can use lust-inducing weapons (Goovolver, Slut Ray, Myr bow etc). They are weapons (so no awkward tease scenes), but they do bypass armor.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
What I got was. Can't shoot tank use poison or subversive tactics.  Beginning of the game said it.  Though realistically if you're gonna wear power armor on a planet of subversive lust tanks you migh as well get a Atma okay undersuit aand be untouchable.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
Why do people not like techie? I feel like in the latest content patch they've really gotten fucked for some reason or other. In a modern age, wouldn't they be the most flexible due to their skills surrounding the current era tech ie.) hacking subsystems, shutting down of powered systems via emp attacks, etc.? As they are now, it seems as though they are more effective against races that have less tech in them than cavemen, which makes no sense in my honest opinion. It might just be my gripes with the game, but I've been thinking about this over the past few days, and it really irks me that techies are basically useless against enemies that are so reliant upon technology.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
I don't like techies since they don't have an energy regeneration skill, but I'm not sure I see what you mean by them getting shafted against high-tech enemies.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I don't like techies since they don't have an energy regeneration skill, but I'm not sure I see what you mean by them getting shafted against high-tech enemies.

Wouldn't be so bad if sex didn't also drain your energy, which really fucks you over as a techie if you're out in the wilds and caught with your pants down (literally and figuratively)


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
 but I'm not sure I see what you mean by them getting shafted against high-tech enemies.

To be honest, I wrote that rant this morning after sniffing glue before drinking my coffee, and I feel as though I went full retard. What I meant to say was that I feel as though there are areas in which class differences could be exemplified - such as in fights between different tech levels of enemies. Naturally, the techie would be the perfect candidate for fights against high-tech enemies such as the Mech!Pirate Captain/Amara while the the more combat oriented class Mercenary would be more suited to the knock-em-out-drag-em-down fights against indigenous peoples and enemies with high physicality. Smuggler would be the middle ground between the two, or perhaps completely different. 

Now, these are just examples - I am NOT suggesting that this is the way things should be. Rather, I'm pointing out examples of what the class system could be like - and how it may make choosing a class more of a thoughtful choice and may provide more meaningful distinctions between the three current classes. To be quite frank, I'd be happy even if they reversed it and made the techie good against natives and bad against tech - if only for more class distinction.

Now, with this said, I also realize the difficulties with this type of system: it makes balancing fights particularly nasty, because you don't want fights to be too easy for the right class but you also don't want the fights to be too hard for the other classes. This creates a very hard situation in which it is made very easy to mess up due to the need to fine-tune fights.

However, with the game not nearly finished, the current iteration is perfectly fine and I'm simply happy that we even have a class system. It adds a certain lovely flavor to the game that I personally enjoy.i'm totally not buttering the devs up nope no sir


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
What I got was. Can't shoot tank use poison or subversive tactics.  Beginning of the game said it.  Though realistically if you're gonna wear power armor on a planet of subversive lust tanks you migh as well get a Atma okay undersuit aand be untouchable.

Even if Amara's suit was airtight and had some sort of Lust suppression system, she still wouldn't have anywhere near enough Lust resistances to not be 'a boss with Achilles Heel Libido'.. Besides, any other possible exploitable weakness she could have had makes even less sense, and taking out a proper military model of power armor the hard way should be way beyond PC's capabilities.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Maybe non-Mercs could get a stronger version of Heroic Reserves to make up for the lack of Bloodthirsty (I think that's the perk name).


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Lol no.  Gun Mercs have to deal with it, smugglers are cheap on energy when you're not wasting it on all those spec attacks and have a recovery and well maybe the Techies could use it. Carry around a mini reactor. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'll be honest that I find bloodthirsty to be a waste of a perk even as someone who loves to play melee mercs.
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