Amara fight bugged?

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Active Member
Jan 23, 2016
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if the fight is bugged, or if it's a scripted loss. I've tried five or so times to defeat Amara, and I've lost every time, resulting in Kara blowing herself up and me being back on my ship. The pirates themselves are no biggie, can chew through a dozen of them. But Amara seems unapproachably difficult to take down, no matter what weapon I pulled out against her, it did like, 1 or 2 damage unless I crit, at which point it did a more nominal 40+. In addition, her shields seem to regenerate constantly, if I ever got them to zero, they'd just go back to 18 on her next turn. By using Paralyzing Shock (tech specialist ability) I can stun her, and then using Gravidic Disruptor seems to do a sizable chunk to her, but by the time i get her down to around half health I wind up with no more energy and her chain gun tears me apart. I'm primarily using the Gray Goo Armor, though I tried swapping to the armor you get on the pirate base itself, no difference in how much ridiculous damage I take. I have the Impressively Tweaked Salamander Rifle, the arc caster from Dr. Khan, and the chain gun from the pirate juggernaut, none of these weapons make a difference on how much damage Amara takes. Even my Tam-Wolf/Shield Drone/Varmint only do 1-2 damage to her. Overcharge from tech specialist does a pretty good chunk, but again that's energy reliant damage, and only so much energy to work with.

Am I the only one having difficulty with this fight? I haven't seen anyone else posting about it being nigh unbeatable, so I figured I'd ask. Is this a bug, a scripted loss, or am I just doing something completely incorrect in my attempt to defeat her?

Edit: Welp, with the rest of the place being basically immune to lust attacks, I hadn't bothered trying that route, apparently that was the answer. Amara crumpled like nothing to a few milk squirts and a tease or two. Still, the fight seems unreasonably difficult, so was it just intended to be a lust only win, or is it bugged?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Amara's armor is Mirrored, much like the upgraded Goo Armor if you wore it in Queen Taivra's dungeon during the Goo Incubator fight.  Energy weapons are basically useless.  Kinetic weapons should work if you manage to take down her shield.  Her shield provides most of the Kinetic damage resistance.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2016
Amara's armor is Mirrored, much like the upgraded Goo Armor if you wore it in Queen Taivra's dungeon during the Goo Incubator fight.  Energy weapons are basically useless.  Kinetic weapons should work if you manage to take down her shield.  Her shield provides most of the Kinetic damage resistance.

Ahh okay, yeah I didn't really try the chain gun much, the one time I used it I didn't think to switch to it to near the end and she clobbered me shortly thereafter. If her armor is mirrored though, why would that impact the amount of damage my Fenris Assault Drone, Varmint or Shield Drone do? The standard shield drone I could see being an energy wep, but the Tam-wolf and Varmint are supposed to be kinetic damage, so should be doing normal, not 1-2. Or maybe her armor just is also good against secondary attacks like the drones?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
From my limited experience with the Drones, I find they don't do much damage.  As I have not played through the new content yet, I believe the gdoc of the Pirate Base mentioned TamWolf is upgraded at some point during the dungeon and that changes its damage type.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2016
Yeah, you find a "charging station" that upgrades him, from the phrasing though it didn't sound like they changed his damage type, just added more damage in a different form. Like, his normal attack is kinetic, and now its kinetic plus some extra electric damage. Not sure though, it does still pool all his damage output, and on the item description there isn't a listing of his damage output. Even the Varmint though, who is nothing but an animal with claws n fangs, does anything more than 1-2 damage to her.

Also, reloaded the save before the fight to try out the chain gun, since it's kinetic bullet damage. The few times I successfully hit (fricken -4 accuracy, hate those guns lol) it still barely seemed to tickle her unless I crit. Wondering if maybe a mercenary or smuggler with more of a focus on brunt physical damage, or bullet focused damage, might be able to do more to her. As it stands though, Tech Specialists best bet seems atm to be lusting her into submission.

On a different note, Shield Drone seems to be bugged slightly. Normally if I have Tam-wolf equipped, it removes the extra shields he gives. Now the shields are sticking around even when I equip him. Technically I'm not complaining, but as he IS intended to work that way, it may need to get fixed. Upside, he functions when the shields drop. Downside, you don't get the extra shields. With the upgrade for him in the pirate base, he's definitely even more valuable than before to any tech specialist. Though I'm still waiting/hoping for potential sex-scenes with him/varmint ^^


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Ahh okay, yeah I didn't really try the chain gun much, the one time I used it I didn't think to switch to it to near the end and she clobbered me shortly thereafter. If her armor is mirrored though, why would that impact the amount of damage my Fenris Assault Drone, Varmint or Shield Drone do? The standard shield drone I could see being an energy wep, but the Tam-wolf and Varmint are supposed to be kinetic damage, so should be doing normal, not 1-2. Or maybe her armor just is also good against secondary attacks like the drones?

Amara's armor is Mirrored, much like the upgraded Goo Armor if you wore it in Queen Taivra's dungeon during the Goo Incubator fight.  Energy weapons are basically useless.  Kinetic weapons should work if you manage to take down her shieldHer shield provides most of the Kinetic damage resistance.

Even Reaper Mark ! Shield provides 40% Kinetic DR, so her generator can have a lot more.

Additionally, Royal Myr Nectar buff + a full stack of normal one is the way to go when you play a Techie. Electrogun or Arc Caster should be able to destroy her, since Mirrored armor flag doesn't effect non-laser weaponry.

In any case, right now Lust dealing weapons + flurry skills are by far the most effective way to deal with enemies. Even people like Doctor Lash (80% lust resistance) go down like chumps.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Amara's armor is meant to be incredibly hard to deal with via weaponry period -- she's wearing power armor, after all. She's quite vulnerable to lust, though, so even a 0 Tease skill character has a decent chance of taking her down.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2016
Her shield wasn't an issue, I could tear through that in a single round. Even then, with the shield gone though, the chain gun didn't do diddly against her. And I was primarily using the Arc Caster the first few times I fought her, it did piddly too, so either Electric IS covered by Mirrored, or she IS bugged


Active Member
Jan 23, 2016
Amara's armor is meant to be incredibly hard to deal with via weaponry period -- she's wearing power armor, after all. She's quite vulnerable to lust, though, so even a 0 Tease skill character has a decent chance of taking her down.

Yeah, after I successfully kicked her butt via milk squirts and tease attacks, I gathered that it was likely to be the "appropriate" way to defeat her. It does make sense that the weapon caliber Steele has shouldn't be able to deal with what basically constitutes a small mecha. I did note that the Gravidic Disruptor attack from Tech Specialist did a sizeable chunk, which makes sense, and the few times I was able to connect with Overcharge did a pretty decent amount too, but in the long run neither is a viable way to really contend with her. Even if you have enough Myr Nectar to keep your energy up, she just does SO much damage when she starts hitting, and that knockdown stun that takes 3 turns to recover from is brutal lol.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Her armor have flat 30 points damage resistance, so it is barely possible to take her down by hp. But lust weapons are devastating against her, unless you've got stunlocked (which can easily happen). So better take your slut ray gun with you.

BTW, slut ray and goovolver are not affected by second shot (since their attackImplementor have direct reroute to SingleRangedAttackImpl), is it intended? If yes, this should be somewhere in description.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
BTW, slut ray and goovolver are not affected by second shot (since their attackImplementor have direct reroute to SingleRangedAttackImpl), is it intended? If yes, this should be somewhere in description.

Hmm, that's odd. It /was/ affected by second shot, I remember I used it on Dr. Lash in the fight against him multiple times. So I just went and checked using both the latest public build (6.29) and an earlier one (6.20). 

In the newer one the slut ray doesn't have second shot, but in the earlier one it does.... I think someone nerfed the slut ray and took away its second shot ability. 


Aug 26, 2015
I'm pretty sure this was a deliberate patch because Lust weapons are attacking a fixed pool of 100 points of "health", so applying multiple attacks to them makes them horrifyingly overpowered unless the opponent is immune to Lust in which case they're useless.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Lust weapons are still kind of a tricky balance proposition right now. Needs more revision.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This actually makes Tech melee build viable, if lust weapons are preferred.

Also, lust bows are affected. Royal bow does 22 lust damage, slut ray does 27.2 and goovolver 35 for my tech. And do not forget about specials - volley can do 2 or 3 attacks with any lust weapons (and blind with slut ray), overcharge can do 150/200 damage (and still stun!) with slut ray.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
This actually makes Tech melee build viable, if lust weapons are preferred.

Also, lust bows are affected. Royal bow does 22 lust damage, slut ray does 27.2 and goovolver 35 for my tech. And do not forget about specials - volley can do 2 or 3 attacks with any lust weapons (and blind with slut ray), overcharge can do 150/200 damage (and still stun!) with slut ray.

Yeah, lust weapons are fucked.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Yeah, lust weapons are fucked.

Almost makes you wonder why people don't just go around shooting lust bullets at each other instead of regular guns, I mean it keeps the target alive and incapacitated, pretty great weapon that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Almost makes you wonder why people don't just go around shooting lust bullets at each other instead of regular guns, I mean it keeps the target alive and incapacitated, pretty great weapon that.

Most of foes are armed with damn sticks and stones. And lust weapons are relatively of expensive for most rushers.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Almost makes you wonder why people don't just go around shooting lust bullets at each other instead of regular guns, I mean it keeps the target alive and incapacitated, pretty great weapon that.

To be fair, 'natural arsenal' of almost every species in TiTS does focus on Lust. I blame Perverse Progenitors.

It's also worth mentioning that the potency of enemies' lust attacks also needs some tweaking. Right now even a character with Easy perk and 100 Libido has no problems enduring them for a long time. Focus Pill being spammable doesn't help either.

Edit: just saw Amara's wiki page. Her armor apparently is Grounded (not listed on the wiki, but I assume Electricity resistance), so Techies are indeed ultra screwed. Thanks, Savin.
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Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
It is stun deadlock for my tech half of times. And my character have all stats maxed for this fight.

I'm not saying it is balanced. I haven't done the fight (since all the group fights just break my game). I'm just speculating that the two potential fail points were probably intended to balance the long duration of the stun.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I'm not saying it is balanced. I haven't done the fight (since all the group fights just break my game). I'm just speculating that the two potential fail points were probably intended to balance the long duration of the stun.

Aren't most stunning abilities supposed to be resistible and have a chance to miss?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Are they? I confess I haven't really gone through the NPC skills. Most of the stuns the player can get can miss, sure.

All of attacks I found can miss, and in most cases they don't automatically apply Stun effect, although in some cases they don't use PC's Physique to calculate resistance.

Edit: as a tangentially related random idea, what do you think about allowing active shields to influence the chance to resist purely physical stuns?
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Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
All of attacks I found can miss, and in most cases they don't automatically apply Stun effect, although in some cases they don't use PC's Physique to calculate resistance.

Eh, the Techie starter perk doesn't offer a miss chance. Neither does the Black Void Juggernaut's shield slam stun.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Eh, the Techie starter perk doesn't offer a miss chance. Neither does the Black Void Juggernaut's shield slam stun.



			if (attacker.intelligence() / 2 + rand(20) + 1 >= target.physique() / 2 + 10)
				output("\nThe effect is immediate! ");
				output("\nIt has no effect!");

Shield Slam:

			output(" thrown back by the weight of the impact, knocked down and staggered by the force.");
			if (rand(3) == 0)
				output(" <b>You are stunned!</b>");
				target.createStatusEffect("Stunned", 2 + rand(2), 0, 0, 0, false, "Stun", "Cannot act for a while.", true, 0);
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
She went down in like 3 Teases.
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