Accessibility Options


New Member
Mar 31, 2021
So happy there's a community for this game. Y'all are amazing.

I'm legally blind, but I adore this game and I can code so I'm toying with a few different methods of altering the appearance of text: size/font, contrast, etc. In-Game for my own purposes.

I wanted to get some second opinions however, since I haven't been here long and as such wouldn't know if a mod like this existed already. If not, please reply if you have something you'd like for the accessibility of the game!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Love the idea, but i'm not sure the devs will allow it ? iirc they generally don't allow mods for TiTS or CoCII, you'd have to ask them

Apart from that, love the idea ! I've been wanting a dark theme for the game for such a long time lol