All (you three)
After passed all the rest of the day addapting to your new bodies and new brains, a new day arrives to the N7 Lasex and its travels, you three goes with your familiars and you spend all the rest of the days (3 or 4) learning all about your new missions and your new bodies, finishing of addapt to it.
In the fifth day of your journey, the alarms explodes in the N7 Lasex, and it detects a space ship of an unindentified race (human), you three forgot all things relationed with the humans, and you think like the aliens that you are, when Captain Sin examines the unidentified space ship, shi calls you three to the controls room to talk with you
After passed all the rest of the day addapting to your new bodies and new brains, a new day arrives to the N7 Lasex and its travels, you three goes with your familiars and you spend all the rest of the days (3 or 4) learning all about your new missions and your new bodies, finishing of addapt to it.
In the fifth day of your journey, the alarms explodes in the N7 Lasex, and it detects a space ship of an unindentified race (human), you three forgot all things relationed with the humans, and you think like the aliens that you are, when Captain Sin examines the unidentified space ship, shi calls you three to the controls room to talk with you