A Saint and a Sinner


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Gwyllgi recoiled hissing. Dangerous! This place was dangerous! Her finger burned so much... it was a sensation she was entirely unfamiliar with, being immune to fire. She looked down, and noticed the disguise had been washed away from that finger. Well, that was inconvenient. Once the trembling in her hand had ceased, she'd know better than to touch that again. She looked at the holy water like a pouty child, then talked to it. "Hmmph. Like I deserved any of that. Meanies."


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Serenely smiling, the angel statue didn’t respond to her, continuing to present its font of holy water. That was because, as a statue, it wasn’t alive; it was just a humanoid-shaped object made of stone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Gwyllgi looked up at the statue, with its serene smile, and felt horridly mocked. She frowned. "You're a big stupid head! Racist!" She stuck her tongue out at the statue. "Y'know, I'm only half devil. Not that I have any clue what the other half is." Why was she telling the statue her life's story? She certainly didn't know. "My mother was Garm, and she didn't tell her pups much about their fathers. The rest of my litter had another father, or several, I think, so all my siblings are just half siblings. Most of them don't even look like me." She pondered a moment. "I wonder how they all are." She sighed and turned, sucking on her finger. There was no real damage to it, but the memory of the pain was slow to fade. What was she going to do? This whole place was so big, and now... kinda scary. She had to entertain the possibility that there wasn't any escape, either. Maybe, though, there was a labyrinth full of monsters underneath it or something! The prospects of an adventure pepped her up again. She could do battle with scary monsters in a giant maze! Well, probably not. But it was a nicer thought than having holy water splashed on her at any time. Maybe she should go find that sister from before, though she couldn't even remember her name. Did she ever even ask for it? "I'm just a big dum dum after all, huh?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
As she stood there, sucking her thumb, she saw someone walking down the hall-the redheaded nun she had seen earlier. Running up to you, she shouted, “There’s where you are! I've been looking all over for you!”
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Gwyllgi blinked. She heard the voice, then knew she was in danger. She quickly hid her hand behind her back as she spun around, wide eyed and somewhat dazed as her mind tried to flip from pointless introspection to keeping up appearances. "Ah, uh, me? I..." She looked around, trying to find an excuse. "I was feeling a bit faint, and was trying to clear my head. S-sorry!" She didn't ask why they'd been looking for her, noting this was the redhead from before, who seemed to have a bit more fire than the rest. She didn't want anyone to know she had absolutely no idea what was going on around her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
The redhead, hands on her hips, said with a smile, "well, since we have some time before silence, maybe I could help you find your place since your new here."


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Gwyllgi just stared for a moment. Her eyes flicked side to side. She... knew she was new? She wondered what the circumstances behind that were. "Ah... uh, yes, please! I would be very grateful!" She'd even dip a little curtsy, quite honestly grateful for the aid. She was quite lost on her own.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Nodding, the redhead said, taking one of her arms, "so, what are you seeking, Sister...?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Gwyllgi blinked as she took her arm. "Well, um... my... place. I guess. Ah, is there a cellar beneath the church, perhaps? Somewhere cooler, you know. I'll even take a mausoleum at this point, as long as I can cool off." That should be a believable excuse... and perhaps give her a chance to explore deeper, and see if there were any juicy secrets to this big, but otherwise boring cathedral.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
"Actually," the redhead said, smiling, "we have both; however, I think you'd probably prefer the former to that latter, obviously." She then led Gwyllgi down the hall. "So, what's your name then? I can't just call you Sister Nowoman, after all!" she then chuckled, seeming to find what she said funny.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Gwyllgi stuck with honesty on this one. On an impulse, mostly, she simply gave her real name. "I'm Gwyllgi! Nice to meetcha!" She sure didn't have the acting down for a sister of the cloth. In fact, she likely didn't have any acting skill whatsoever. Something about that 'nowoman' joke made Gwyllgi pause a moment, as though she felt like she should understand something that was implied, there, but she quickly discarded it from her thoughts as she followed the sister. "I'm very much hoping the cathedral is bigger underneath. I really love to explore, and love having places to get away from crowds." Those were all completely honest remarks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
"Well, my names Mirthyll," the nun said. "As for places to explore, I think there is a trapdoor in the cellar; however, there's a statue on it that's probably too heavy for either of us to lift," she continued, not knowing of how truly strong Gwyllgi was, "so that's probably a no go. Besides, I think they're might be a good reason why the abbess would block it off." She then looked up at the ceiling. "There's a lot of places to be here if you want to be alone, though."


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Gwyllgi's eyes dilated. It was a lot like a cat, when they saw something to pounce on. The little irises just absolutely filled up her eyes, and she grinned big. A trapdoor, with a big statue over it?! Yes, yes, yes! She was giddy with anticipation! That's the kind of adventure she craved! She'd look with Mirthyll as she looked up at the ceiling. "Oh? I definitely want to see this trap door under the statue as soon as possible... it sounds interesting! But you seem to have something particular in mind? Is there an aviary or somesuch up above?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
She nods. "Yes-we keep pigeons here, in case the cathedral is in trouble and needs the help of the church."

She then looks to Gwyllgi, "however, I doubt that's a problem for you, right?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Gwyllgi scratched her chin, at the question. "I suppose not. I don't like the smell of bird crap particularly much, but I'm sure it can be nice and cool up there with the open windows!" She digested those first words well... in case the cathedral needs the help of the church. Meaning, there was likely a holy roller standing army within bird's flight of the place. Gwyllgi shivered, in spite of herself. She was in great danger, indeed. The last thing she needed was to incur the wrath of an army of powerful paladins and clerics.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Nodding, she led Gwyllgi further down, to the cellar.

As they stepped down into it, the first thing the hellhound smelled was the pungent aroma of the cider-it was quite a bit more pronounced than it had been in the dining chamber. Not only that, but there was also a hint of decay and other smells one would expect in a cellar. While the room was quite dark, Sister Mirthyll brought a lantern down with them, helping illuminate it for herself. Gwyllgi noticed the statue-it was about as tall as her, and made of marble. It was well-crafted and of a robe-wearing angelic woman with arms outstretched, atop the trapdoor. "Here we are< Sister Gwyllgi! The cellar!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Cider... she loved that smell. "Mhmm... I've always loved apples." She tapped sealed casks as she went, some of them hard oak, holding a harder cider. Alcohol was a wondrous preservative, when you couldn't halt the effects of entropy with magic. Even if sisters of the cloth didn't often imbibe, Gwyllgi was sure there were clients for high grade hard cider... and if she remembered correctly, few humans were so humble as to scoff at coin, even among the holiest.

When Mirthyll brought her to the statue and the trapdoor, her excitement peaked. "It really is so mysterious, isn't it?!" She looked at the large marble statue, undoubtedly quite heavy. She looked it over, before turning to Mirthyll and hugging her. "Oh, thank you sister Mirthyll! I like this, I like this very much! It gives the whole place such an air of mystery, don't you think? A closed off trap door, with who knows what secrets beneath it?!" She took a moment, looking Mirthyll in the eyes, before coming to a decision. In her excitement, she kissed her... planting her lips suddenly on Mirthyll's, grabbing her butt and pulling her close, so that her belly was pressed against a hardening cock. She kissed her passionately, tongue pressing past her lips in an instant as she squeezed and grinded against her.

Gwyllgi was a very excitable girl.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Mirthyll, surprised by her sudden action of passion, was shocked into silence as she felt Gwyllgi grab her so, and even more so when she felt her hard length. Unable to move, she felt mixed signals firing off in her head, not able to process what was happening as she felt her bottom get groped by the passionate hound as she grinded against her. She was, however, quite aroused nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Gwyllgi was always one to push. She was pushy... and Mirthyll's lack of resistance might as well have been consent. Gwyllgi grinned, and pressed her against a wall, tearing off half her habit in her excitement, revealing her body. Gwyllgi tore her own clothes too, getting her cock out as quickly as possible, and lifted Mirthyll against the wall with an impossible effortlessness. She pressed herself between Mirthyll's legs, her hardening, throbbing length rubbing between Mirthyll's legs as she pressed her to the wall, still kissing her, until she had readied herself, pulling back enough to slip her crown in and push into Mirthyll's womanhood, with a deep, husky groan.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Mirthyll moaned into the kiss, higher thought given away to lustful instinct, letting Gwyllgi's length push in deep as she pressed her hands against the hound's breasts, feeling them up. The nun was tight, but with each thrust she grew looser and more willing to accommodate.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Gwyllgi had a hell of a rack for Mirthyll to play with. D's, generous and extremely soft, with piquent nipples, seemingly untouched by the effects of gravity. Her body was tight and nubile, though there were undoubtedly mystical, supernatural aspects at work there. And Mirthyll was tight, as well... though her body was relaxing and accommodating Gwyllgi with aplomb. Her length was hard as a rock by now, and she rocked her hips, pressing into Mirthyll with the inexorable pressure of a horny dickgirl, until her balls were hanging between Mirthyll's legs and she was fully sheathed in her. Mirthyll's legs were pressed around her hips, and Gwyllgi started rocking the nun's world, pounding her wet pussy until sticky slaps echoed all around the cool cellar, and the keg rack she was pressed against creaked and moaned in protest with their heated bumps against its side. Gwyllgi slammed those hips with gusto, and Mirthyll probably wouldn't be walking straight for nearly an hour by the time she was done. She even growled into her kiss, so heated was she for this tight, red headed nun. Something about the color red really got her going~

She flipped the covering off of Mirthyll's head, and would shake loose her hair, so that it fell free and she would run a hand through it, enjoying it immensely.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Mirthyll, ecstatic with pleasure as she felt Gwyllgi's pounding cock drive into her, squeezed her legs around Gwyllgi's strong hips while her fingers pressed into her large fluffy chest, feeling its warmth. She didn't even notice as her head-covering was pulled back, her hair let free, too occupied with this sensation of pleasure.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Gwyllgi came, pressing Mirthyll to the rack, and then let her slide to the floor. She had barely broken a sweat... Gwyllgi wiggled her fingers over her habit, and the clothing knitted its self back into shape before Mirthyll's very eyes. Afterwards, she'd pause a moment, giving it some thought, then cast the mending cantrip on Mirthyll's own habit. She wasn't thoughtless.

Then, excitement having dwindled once more, she'd approach the statue, looking to her next conquest already. She'd move to its side, and set her shoulder, pushing, hard. Hard enough to tip a bull over, in fact. She intended to move the marble statue, and explore beneath!


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
The marble statue fell to the ground, unceremoniously breaking against it. Apparently, it wasn't expecting to be confronted with the strength of a hellhound in mind.

"Careful..." Mirthyll muttered, still recovering from the sex. "...about the statue..." she then laughed to herself, before drifting off into a snooze.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Gwyllgi blinked at the statue. She guessed it was more top heavy than it looked, because she'd expected it to slide. She hadn't pushed from terribly high, either. Well, oops. She watched Mirth drift off conveniently, then shrugged. Well, it was just a statue. Maybe her mend wasn't good enough to fix it, but she could get a spell scroll or some such and fix the thing without too much issue. Well... maybe not here. She shrugged, casting it from her mind, as she moved to open the trap door and descend into the unknown. Hopefully, the sound from the statue breaking hadn't been loud enough to attract any attention.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Lowering herself down the trapdoor, she entered into a dark stone corridor, leading up to a door made of steel. The architecture here was significantly different, focused more on practicality than on aesthetics.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
The underground was far more spartan than the rest of the cathedral. They didn't care about appearances down here. That was the kind of world Gwyllgi was more used to. Beauty was a rare thing in the Hell's, and she felt right at home. She was grinning ear to ear, her expression almost feral, and rolling her shoulder as she wound up her arm, prepping for a fight and trying to contain her excitement. Something about the unknown always got her so bloody excited, and excitement almost always translated to a desire to fuck or to fight. She made her way to that steel door and examined it, looking to see if it could simply be easily opened.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
(Sorry for being gone so long! Was pretty busy with school!)

The steel door was, unfortunately, locked, with an input for seven numbers present to her.

Underneath was a Latin phrase, which roughly translated to: “Numerals of the Angels.” Apparently, that was some sort of clue.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Gwyllgi was not versed in orthodox lore. She had never opened the local holy scripture in her life, let alone be immersed in popular religious culture. No, this was utterly and entirely foreign to her, and the hint meant absolutely nothing to her. So, she punched it.

Meaning to say, she gathered her strength, roared, and threw a punch as devastating as she could, with the intent to buckle the steel door like it was made of cardboard.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
With all her fury, she slammed into the door with her powerful fist, busting a hole in it. However, it was much too small for her to get into through.