A few (very) minor bugs

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Nov 12, 2023
Hi, just wanted to report a few things that have been bugging me for a while:

1) Venus Pitcher birth - for fertilized pod births, genital elasticity increases by 0.1 normally, but after 1.9 it goes straight to 4 (if elasticity was already at 2 or more, nothing happens)

2) Kaithrit pregnancy - near the end of the pregnancy, flavor text indicates that butt size should have increased, but stats page shows that it has been reset to 1

3) Anal wetness - even with anal wetness at 0, descriptions like 'moist' and 'lubricated' pop up in sex scenes. I vaguely remember that in the Flash version, it only happened when wetness was at 4 or 5 (please ignore this point if this is intentional)

4) Unfertilized Venus Pitcher Pod (inventory item) - it has a placeholder description that perhaps should be restricted to Silly Mode "You laid dis, you sloot. (Totes placeholder gtfo)". If there are no plans for this item (this placeholder text has been in the game forever), I'd like to make a small suggestion for it:

When eaten:
+50 Energy; +5 minimum Energy for 12 hours; +5% Venus Pitcher Dominance
For Kineticists only (bigger effect because Pitchers are psionic too, sort of):
+100 Energy; +10 minimum Energy for 24 hours, +10% Venus Pitcher Dominance

How to acquire, beyond the standard method:
Can be found randomly like Mhengan Mango
In Esbeth, a dominated native could be giving it away to anyone who asks, once per day - spreading the good word, so to speak (maybe Essrayle from CoC1 could make a cameo here?)

Thank you for making this great game!


Aug 26, 2015
Hopefully fixed for the next release. (Probably not for the current release, but the next one.)

1) Venus Pitcher birth - for fertilized pod births, genital elasticity increases by 0.1 normally, but after 1.9 it goes straight to 4 (if elasticity was already at 2 or more, nothing happens)
The 4 should have been a 2, so that typo has been corrected--however, it shouldn't have needed to jump to that even with the typo (as the 4 was supposed to be the limit for a character with the "Flexibility" perk). There is an issue with Javascript math where adding enough "0.1" will result in some absurd decimal value and that was adding to the elasticity value, making it hit the limit prematurely.

2) Kaithrit pregnancy - near the end of the pregnancy, flavor text indicates that butt size should have increased, but stats page shows that it has been reset to 1
Another typo--it should add by 1 and not reset to 1.

3) Anal wetness - even with anal wetness at 0, descriptions like 'moist' and 'lubricated' pop up in sex scenes. I vaguely remember that in the Flash version, it only happened when wetness was at 4 or 5 (please ignore this point if this is intentional)
Any lubrication message for the anus should only show at wetness level 2 or higher (higher values will show a different variant of how wet it is). If a sex scene brings it up (specifically if it doesn't mention lubing up beforehand), then providing a quote from the scene where it happens may be helpful in rooting it out.

4) Unfertilized Venus Pitcher Pod (inventory item) - it has a placeholder description that perhaps should be restricted to Silly Mode "You laid dis, you sloot. (Totes placeholder gtfo)". If there are no plans for this item (this placeholder text has been in the game forever), I'd like to make a small suggestion for it:
I've updated the Venus Pod with some of your suggestions. It should now be an energy-replenishing item (+30 Energy per use--similar to the use of the Large Egg, but for Energy instead of HP). If significantly hypnotized by the venus pitcher (getting caught once or more), there is a submission gain to the Venus Pitcher (+5% per use, limited by how many times caught; 6 for max, I think) and minor to significant lust gain (depending on how desperate the character is). The effects are doubled if the character using it is psionic.

To make sense in context, the venus pod should only be a player character-generated item, so if there ever was a venus pod you find in the wild or from a vendor, it should be a different item.
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