The Boobed Bizzy + Dizzy tentacle feature show (NOT the Flat Bizzy + Dizzy tentacle threesome) has some requirements that seem at odds with the unlock description. The description implies you need a handful of back genitals, but the actual unlock condition is having any number of back genitals AND at least 4 crotch-mounted dicks of the type Tentacle.
This is on contrast to Mitzi, who checks solely for backgenitals
and then uses a custom function to sum up your back dicks and crotch tentacles
if (diz.atStudio()) window.addGatedButton(indx++, `Dizzy`, bizzyDizzyFeature, `Dizzy`, ``, (pc.hasBackGenitals() && pc.cockTotal(GLOBAL.TYPE_TENTACLE) >= 4)
This is on contrast to Mitzi, who checks solely for backgenitals
if (pc.hasBackGenitals())
if (pc.wingCount <= 1) addDisabledButton(7, "Tentacle Fun", "Tentacle Fun", "You don’t have enough tentacle-wings for this.");
else addButton(7, "Tentacle Fun", mitziTentaCocks, "Tentacle Fun", "Put your shoulder-mounted tentacle-wings to work on the cock-socket of a goblin.");
and then uses a custom function to sum up your back dicks and crotch tentacles
const tCount = (pc.wingCount + pc.cockTotal(GLOBAL.TYPE_TENTACLE));