

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I'm personally hoping for a good 1h sword catalyst, for swordmage builds

I've noticed that there's basically no good 1h weapons with Spellpower in this game... There's the sanctified gladius, but that requires very low corruption so that only works for some characters. I think there's a "control rod" out there too (according to the wiki anyway), but I haven't found that one yet, and also it doesn't fit the aesthetics I want to go for. Other than those two, there are no 1h spellpower weapons

(Unless the wiki is out of date, which is highly likely. Please tell me if there are any other 1h catalysts out there!)
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Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
I'm personally hoping for a good 1h sword catalyst, for swordmage builds

I've noticed that there's basically no good 1h weapons with Spellpower in this game... There's the sanctified gladius, but that requires very low corruption so that only works for some characters. I think there's a "control rod" out there too (according to the wiki anyway), but I haven't found that one yet, and also it doesn't fit the aesthetics I want to go for. Other than those two, there are no 1h spellpower weapons

(Unless the wiki is out of date, which is highly likely. Please tell me if there are any other 1h catalysts out there!)
The wiki is not out of date the control rod is only obtained by helping Kiyoko she is located in the Old Forest directly east when you enter the forest that is all I'll say but there are certain strings attached.:gizz: that's your first clue.

Would like to get heavy (edit: unique) boots and a new shield.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
The Control Rod is obtained from completing Kinu's first vignette. If you're gonna offer advice you really should be more specific. :p
how do you actually trigger those?

I have one character who's actually gotten to the point of marrying the slutsune (most of my guys never get that far because it takes such a long time. What was that, you can do it almost instantly? Pffft no, of course not, everyone knows you need at least 32 kids with her before you can even think about freeing her from the astral plane. Right?), but I still haven't gotten any kinuquests.

Sometimes when I fart around the kitsune village, I do get little one-page glimpses into Kinu's life... Are those required for Kinuquests?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
You need to see the housewarming event and do either For Want of a Nail or Artifice Testing before you can start Kinu's first quest. Once you've met those conditions, a flashback scene can proc when you walk over the center tile in Kiyoko's house. Once you've seen that you can ask Kinu about recent events and she'll tell you a story, starting the vignette.

Completing the first quest is a prerequisite for unlocking Kinu's second quest, which also requires doing both floofquests, seeing a scene at the Shrine, then talking to Komari before you can hear the story from Kinu.
Pffft no, of course not, everyone knows you need at least 32 kids with her before you can even think about freeing her from the astral plane. Right?)
I still need to do this at least once just to see Keros' reaction, but my two Champs currently doing Kiyoko content haven't gotten past the named kids at most and the one just has Kinu.
Sometimes when I fart around the kitsune village, I do get little one-page glimpses into Kinu's life... Are those required for Kinuquests?
No, but they're fun nonetheless.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
how do you actually trigger those?

I have one character who's actually gotten to the point of marrying the slutsune (most of my guys never get that far because it takes such a long time. What was that, you can do it almost instantly? Pffft no, of course not, everyone knows you need at least 32 kids with her before you can even think about freeing her from the astral plane. Right?), but I still haven't gotten any kinuquests.

Sometimes when I fart around the kitsune village, I do get little one-page glimpses into Kinu's life... Are those required for Kinuquests?
The Kinu Quests/stories are actived when you visit her at your home at certain times like in the morning she will be at Kiyoko's home and sometime in the day she will be at the Kitsune den depending on the personality she has she will be in different places. The glimpses are just to give you a connection to her and a whatever is going on with her.

Ps her quests are a little frustrating but they hit you in the feels the second one is different there's a thread that can help you with that one.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Thank you for the help folks!

Bringing the topic back to the original intent; Another piece of equipment I would love, is a Top and a Bottom what have the "Exposed tits/ass/genitals" tag. I want to play as nudist as I possibly can, and thankfully the Bondage Gear have everything exposed... but there are no underwear that expose you, so I can't use them without covering up, which is of course completely unacceptable =P

It isn't like, super necessary (even my charmers do really well without them), but it would be really nice

A permanently wearable buttplug in place of the bottom would also be acceptable

On and piercings... I would love some piercings! Even if they are purely cosmetic. Though I suppose they will technically not be "equipment"
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Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
I play a warrior class mainly so a new unique sword would be nice along with a shield rose bloom and sanctified gladius is nice but gonna need better equipment for the Mino City that and Kitsune friendly weapons and armor would be good for those of use that are Champions of Keros.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I play a warrior class mainly so a new unique sword would be nice along with a shield rose bloom and sanctified gladius is nice but gonna need better equipment for the Mino City that and Kitsune friendly weapons and armor would be good for those of use that are Champions of Keros.
Oooh good point!

there is already Lamellar Armor (aka, samurai armor) for the warriors, but having a nice yukata or kimono for the mages would be awesome! Maybe something sluttier for tease based builds

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Oooh good point!

there is already Lamellar Armor (aka, samurai armor) for the warriors, but having a nice yukata or kimono for the mages would be awesome! Maybe something sluttier for tease based builds
Yeah that would be nice to but I meant unique armor and weapons and a shield. (Didn't Japan have shields during that time period?) Also I don't tease much unless it's the easiest way example the slimes at the bottom end of Harvest Valley.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Oh yeah, going to the main topic here I've mentioned elsewhere and might as well repeat that I'd love a greatspear for one of my Champs for thematic reasons, like the one we almost got from Winter City.
(Didn't Japan have shields during that time period?)
The Heian period that the kitsune are largely based on is one where hand-carried shields weren't as common but they did exist.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Thanks @WolframL it's not that I'm ignorant I do love history but there just only so much you can learn.
The Heian period that the kitsune are largely based on is one where hand-carried shields weren't as common but they did exist.
Plus you learn something new every day.


Resident Coke Addict
Aug 5, 2018
I want some unique underwear
So, the problem with unique underwear is that uniques are generally supposed to be interesting/beneficial mechanically, and one of our early points that we decided upon is that underwear shouldn't provide anything more than the focus/sexiness/temptation bonus so that it can remain mostly preferential flavor


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
Anyone ever hear the story of the Emperor's new clothes?
There's a clothing idea.

On another note, I'm hoping to see - not unique or special stuff - but maybe some slightly better weapons for roleplaying characters so at the least I'm not stuck with the stock poleaxev or pike, because the straight pike does slightly less damage than the heavy one, and there's only one normal spear in the game; the Tendril Blight is counted as a javelin type since it's thrown, and its heavy focus reduction wouldn't go well with say, a paladin build that uses a big pokey stick while hiding behind their slab of a shield. But that's a roleplay issue on my end and not a big want or need.
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I think I've said this in another thread, but, a nun outfit. Not even necessarily like, actual black fully covering thing, just something vaguely reminiscent of it, which could be called a "nun" outfit. Like how people call Rosaria from Genshin a "nun" because of her outfit, mostly because of the shawl (and her connection to the church).

Also I double Wolfram's greatspear request.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
I just want twin catalyst swords that can be dual wielded and the ability to lock the spiral sword's element. And a unique battle axe. I have Edelgard as my avatar and there's no good two handed axe. I feel like a fraud.

Anyone ever hear the story of the Emperor's new clothes?
There's a clothing idea.

Only instead of being quiet out of fear, they're quiet because they aren't surprised and thought it would've happened sooner.


Active Member
Sep 5, 2020
Earth, Sol System
One thing I always liked were 40k's power weapons and metal gears HF blades. A blade capable of cutting nearly everything seems to be quite popular in fiction.

So this post got me thinking on how something similar could fit in the game. Since Belhara was so advanced its quite plausible that such a concept was at the very least tried, even if it never made it past the prototype stage. Perhaps one could find one such weapon in a lab of a dead mage that attempted to restore it back to functionality. Since it was powered by leycrystals which are no longer produced on a large scale, the power cell was replaced with a device sapping the users vitality for energy which went rater well for the blade but not the mage. The player could then attempt to find someone capable of continuing development on the blade by studing the research notes the mage had or with a sufficient background (Arcanist, Scholar, Noble prob) attempt it themselves. Anyway since there would be no way of removing the cell without damaging the blade, the solution would perhaps be a limit on how much the blade can take from the user, cutting off at maybe 50% health so it doesn't kill the player like the blades previous owner. Ingame this could manifest at the blade ceasing to work below a certain % of hp and becoming a Nerfed version of itself. Or instead granting a increasing debuff the longer the blade is used similar to the enervation debuff but maintaining function, the debuff can then wear off by removing the blade from the slot and resting. Anyway thanks for bearing my ramblings ;V


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Linen Briefs with 3 focus to go with my linen shirt.
Mage armor, be it robes overlayed with a breastplate, or more scantly armaments layered with armor-like magic.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
One thing I always liked were 40k's power weapons and metal gears HF blades. A blade capable of cutting nearly everything seems to be quite popular in fiction.

So this post got me thinking on how something similar could fit in the game. Since Belhara was so advanced its quite plausible that such a concept was at the very least tried, even if it never made it past the prototype stage.
Magitech is a hard 'no' in this setting. so no chainsaw swords and no blunderpuss.


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
I feel like I mentioned this before at some point but some good mage robes would be nice. Maybe not even with too much spellpower, some agility would be nice instead. It feels weird to get pigeonholed into taking agility for any kind of non-healer build (since they all use accuracy).
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I feel like I mentioned this before at some point but some good mage robes would be nice. Maybe not even with too much spellpower, some agility would be nice instead. It feels weird to get pigeonholed into taking agility for any kind of non-healer build (since they all use accuracy).
All spellcasters must also be able to do a triple backflip from a standing position by the time we finally take on Kas.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Mage armor, be it robes overlayed with a breastplate, or more scantly armaments layered with armor-like magic.
Man, I am so sick of the "wizards can't wear armor" trope. I'd be okay with it if it only popped up in a couple settings/universes because "magic no likey metal" or whatthefuckever, but it's become some kind of fantasy industry rule at this point.

I'm perfectly fine with archetypes, but I've never understood/liked this "armor magically stops you from speaking magical words" schtick.