

Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
Mainly what I don't want is for a piece of equipment to be completely better than another piece of equipment. All the starting items that you can get have at least one stat that they do better than late game uniques.

Doesn't that just undermine late game items? Why bother to go through the effort to get them if the starting ones are just as good?
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Doesn't that just undermine late game items? Why bother to go through the effort to get them if the starting ones are just as good?
It's been stated before that the design intent of CoC2 is to let the Hawkethorne equipment still be viable by the time you reach the endgame. It's quite a bit less gear game than TiTS. Special equipment/uniques/stuff found in the late game may be much stronger in certain areas, but there's gotta be areas where they're weaker. Like, the Blight Tendril has the strongest statline of any thrown weapon, but in exchange it also makes you extremely weak to resolve damage. It's still one of the best ranged items in the game (in my opinion), but if you don't want to become class against someone shaking their ass at you, then you can use something else.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
Dear Developers,
This year I´ve been a very naughty boy, and as such I would like the following equiment added into the game:
-Unique light weapons for the people that likes dual-wielding (bonus if the weapons are part of a set with different damage enchantments i.e ice and fire)
-The upgrades for the captain´s greatsword
-Enchanted Piercings
-Unique heavy armor
Happy Christmas (In july)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Chrysanthemum Petal not good enough for you? Or Sanctified Gladius?
Not for folks that don't do floof content or want to deal with the Paladin it ain't.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
The new content has a heavy unique that's... okay.
To be fair, if you're running a public build the Dream Plate is a fairly recent addition, and a missable one at that. I for one passed by its tile completely the first time then had to reload the save file and do the dungeon all over again to get it.
As for it being merely "okay" ...throw in a Tower Shield to counterbalance its armor value (you certainly won't need a Runic Shield with the magic resistance stats on it.) and a Champion's Belt to redress the Crushingresist penalty and it works quite well.

Dream Plate, Helm of Heroes, Champion's belt, Cloak of Winter and Tower Shield makes for an exceptionally thick wall, both against magical and physical damage. Not to mention Shield Stance slapping on another 50% Armor and Ward, and. I daresay the ensemble probably looks quite spiffy, heroic even. :catte:
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2016
I do HEMA and Longsword stuff in the SCA, and I'm tired of Longswords always being classified as NOT finesse weapons.

I'm happy with the katana, but I'd really just like a longsword and gambeson that I can use for DeX based builds.

If my overweight, slightly asthmatic ass, can move quickly in and out of measure, to counter and respond to attacks, I think my fantasy self-insert should be able to pull it off better than I can.

Basically what I want is landsknecht armor, which is a damn fine blend of protection, and fashion. Hell with the amount of leg it shows of, it could even pass for sexy AND functional as well. And if you dont feel like googling that, what Sir Markus Kruber wears in Vermintide 2 as a Mercenary.

Example images below. Take note of the Glorious Codpiece (not present for Kruber, because gamedevs arent bold enough to embrace the raw power of the bulge)


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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I do HEMA and Longsword stuff in the SCA, and I'm tired of Longswords always being classified as NOT finesse weapons.

I'm happy with the katana, but I'd really just like a longsword and gambisson that I can use for DeX based builds.
I... huh? Yeah, of course real swords need the user to be agile and stuff, but why bring it up in this context? There is no "finesse" weapon tag, there is no dex stat for damage scaling. Agility affects accuracy, while strength affects attack power for any physical weapon.

The only katanas I can think of in this game would be the balanced blade and the swift sword, the first of which is a light one-hander while the other is a two-hander. If you're thinking of "light" as meaning "finesse" or "dex/agility scaling," it's not, it's the tag that lets you wield a weapon in the offhand for dual-wielding. If you're talking about stuff which enhances crits, those two katanas have special effects that enhance crits, but the crit bonus stat itself only increases your chance to land one, actual crit damage most of the time is scaling from your cunning stat.

I don't think there's even a longsword in this game, unless you count the Spiraled Blade, Captain's Greatsword, and Galon's Griefmaker because of their being two-handed swords (to be fair, the Galon's is labelled as a bastard sword, so either it's seen as "also a greatsword," or it's a hand and a half, essentially a longsword). It would be neat to have one normal, actual longsword, but I'm not sure where the stuff about finesse and dex in regards to this come from.

Also, small thing, but I'm fairly certain it's spelled gambeson.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
more holy themed stuff I guess if i'm being specific cause there's a lot of things I want like little here and there but the second i saw sanctified paladin i'm like i'm holy fuckin the corruption away and well idk. holy shield and some like almost typical paladin style armor that's just my hopes. and holy stuff might have some like focus + or maybe split a bit in all defenses a bit. I dunno we'll have to see how things turn out but yeah.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2016
I... huh? Yeah, of course real swords need the user to be agile and stuff, but why bring it up in this context? There is no "finesse" weapon tag, there is no dex stat for damage scaling. Agility affects accuracy, while strength affects attack power for any physical weapon.

The only katanas I can think of in this game would be the balanced blade and the swift sword, the first of which is a light one-hander while the other is a two-hander. If you're thinking of "light" as meaning "finesse" or "dex/agility scaling," it's not, it's the tag that lets you wield a weapon in the offhand for dual-wielding. If you're talking about stuff which enhances crits, those two katanas have special effects that enhance crits, but the crit bonus stat itself only increases your chance to land one, actual crit damage most of the time is scaling from your cunning stat.

I don't think there's even a longsword in this game, unless you count the Spiraled Blade, Captain's Greatsword, and Galon's Griefmaker because of their being two-handed swords (to be fair, the Galon's is labelled as a bastard sword, so either it's seen as "also a greatsword," or it's a hand and a half, essentially a longsword). It would be neat to have one normal, actual longsword, but I'm not sure where the stuff about finesse and dex in regards to this come from.

Also, small thing, but I'm fairly certain it's spelled gambeson.
Good catch on the spelling.

So, on the subject of longswords, "finesse", and the context of this game, I refer to their not being longswords with a "finesse-focused" design in mind (prioritizing speed and dodging, over strength and tanking).

With the sole exception of the Swift Sword, all two-handed swords are "heavy" which imposes an initiative penalty in combat.

Also, forgot that for coc2 light=dual-wielding. Which is actually an hilarious thing, as folks have been making Longsword and Dagger work in combat in the recent months. It's both hilarious and terrifying. (But no, not for a.game. way too complex. )
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