1. Are there any pending updates for Jerynn?
The content is great, I'm just asking because some of it gives the impression that it's incomplete. For example, after the mod option section, she constantly warns the PC about taking matters into her own hands should they continue to put themselves in danger. This blurb never changes, even after much time has passed, and she never acts on it. There also appears to be code that activates if the PC is a sub and Jerynn is designated as the mistress, but Ara Kei never gives the actual option to designate her as one. This may have been a misreading on my part.
2. Some of the out of place items on Uveto like the consentacles tank are saved under a kiro quest folder heading. Are there any plans for this content, and if so, how far out might they be?
The content is great, I'm just asking because some of it gives the impression that it's incomplete. For example, after the mod option section, she constantly warns the PC about taking matters into her own hands should they continue to put themselves in danger. This blurb never changes, even after much time has passed, and she never acts on it. There also appears to be code that activates if the PC is a sub and Jerynn is designated as the mistress, but Ara Kei never gives the actual option to designate her as one. This may have been a misreading on my part.
2. Some of the out of place items on Uveto like the consentacles tank are saved under a kiro quest folder heading. Are there any plans for this content, and if so, how far out might they be?