Bugged [0.7.26] Valkyrie soulbind, and Keros being a no-show

Mark an issue as still broken and needing further investigation.


Active Member
Dec 17, 2022
I'm on day 129 in this save file, and while admittedly I freed Kiyoko rather late (after I became a Valkyrie) for character reasons, it's still been probably at least 50-60 in-game days since then, with me visiting the fox den basically every single day. Despite which:

1. I have not had Keros' offer scene proc. (I've completed all of Nakano's missions)
2. Fem!Keros has not put in an appearance.
3. the Miko/Mai choice scene has not procced.

According to the wiki these things go in a specific order. Namely: Do Nakano mission --> Keros' offer --> Fem!Keros appearance chance, and Miko/Mai choice scene chance. And indeed, in every previous playthrough I've done, events have followed that order, and in quite a reliable and timely fashion.

So, is this a bug, or does being a Valkyrie preclude one from proccing the "Keros' offer" scene, and hence all the other content for which it is a prerequisite?


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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Soul-binds are mutually exclusive, so if you already did one you're not going to get offers for a different one.

Likely just an oversight on Keros's offer having other scenes locked behind seeing it, since the kitsunes and Keros are encountered much earlier (and were in the game for years longer) than the valkyries are.