Choosing "Fuck w/Cock" in Sabrae'sex menu still crash the game
I'm using "Download for Windows" version of the game
I'm using "Download for Windows" version of the game
Version: 0.9.123-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#5820 Message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cLength') Stack:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cLength')
at My (tits://titsapp/content_dhaal.178b5c57.js:1:3169372)
at PE (tits://titsapp/main.acdc71ff.js:1:19813242)
at YE (tits://titsapp/main.acdc71ff.js:1:19812200)
at Object.func (tits://titsapp/content_dhaal.178b5c57.js:1:3160303)
at e.value (tits://titsapp/main.acdc71ff.js:1:18115084)
at Object.freeze.s.FUNCTIONS (tits://titsapp/main.acdc71ff.js:1:35018963)
at HTMLDocument. (tits://titsapp/main.acdc71ff.js:1:12408552)
at HTMLDocument.o (tits://titsapp/vendors.84eff788.js:1:48987)
Translation not active.; Hash mismatches; may indicate a section of the save has been edited: None (07:27:48.670) (Core) info: GameState postLoad()
(07:27:50.218) (Serialization) info: Setting gameloading marker false
(07:27:53.234) (Core) error: penisRouterObj generated a list of possible penises with zero entries. Check how the PRO call was gated!