Choosing "Fuck w/Cock" in Sabrae'sex menu crash the game
I'm using "Download for Windows" version of the game
I'm using "Download for Windows" version of the game
Version: 0.9.123-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#5817 Message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cLength') Stack:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cLength')
at My (tits://titsapp/content_dhaal.178b5c57.js:1:3169372)
at OE (tits://titsapp/main.50583c9e.js:1:19812159)
at NE (tits://titsapp/main.50583c9e.js:1:19811117)
at Object. (tits://titsapp/content_dhaal.178b5c57.js:1:3160303)
at tits://titsapp/main.50583c9e.js:1:12611265
at tits://titsapp/main.50583c9e.js:1:10932035
at Object.We (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:529236)
at $e (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:529390)
at tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:547593
at Or (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:547687)
at Rr (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:548101)
at tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:553737
at Me (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:629073)
at tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:549560
at jr (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:549590)
at Qt (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:537657)
at Kt (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:536883)
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:791023)
at Vo (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:557918)
at Ae (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:628813)
at Yt (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:536676)
at HTMLDivElement.o (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:48987)
Translation not active.; Hash mismatches; may indicate a section of the save has been edited: PC Object, PC Equipment, PC BreastRows, PC Cocks, PC Vaginas, Flags, PC Ship, LocStorage (05:11:27.845) (Core) info: GameState postLoad()
(05:11:29.492) (Serialization) info: Setting gameloading marker false
(05:11:34.248) (UserInterface) warning: Ensure we have good UI for waiting for data acquisition.
(05:11:34.252) (Serialization) info: Loading TITS_Summary from electron passthrough.
(05:11:34.253) (UserInterface) info: Pushing [I]"Main Text"[/I] to UI state stack, replacing with "Save Load".
(05:11:34.253) (UserInterface) info: generateSaveMenuButtons()
(05:11:38.651) (ImagePack) info: Has Images Available For Download: Yes 98. Approx. 11.61 mbytes.
(05:11:46.379) (UserInterface) log: UI redraw triggered via electron.
(05:11:48.560) (UserInterface) info: Popping from [I]"Save Load"[/I] and setting [I]"Main Text"[/I] as active state.
(05:12:09.328) (UserInterface) log: UI redraw triggered via electron.
(05:12:28.386) (UserInterface) log: UI redraw triggered via electron.
(05:12:37.873) (UserInterface) log: UI redraw triggered via electron.
(05:12:49.137) (UserInterface) log: UI redraw triggered via electron.
(05:13:40.062) (UserInterface) log: UI redraw triggered via electron.
(05:13:41.325) (Core) error: penisRouterObj generated a list of possible penises with zero entries. Check how the PRO call was gated!