repro steps:
1. Equip hardlight thong
2. Activate dildos and vibration
3. Attempt to use a cockring on frosty
4. Game rarely crashes
Error text:
1. Equip hardlight thong
2. Activate dildos and vibration
3. Attempt to use a cockring on frosty
4. Game rarely crashes
Error text:
Version: 0.9.122-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#5753 Message: Attempted to queue event "hardlightAGThongOrgasm", but the event is already queued. Stack:
TiTSException: Attempted to queue event "hardlightAGThongOrgasm", but the event is already queued.
at h (tits://titsapp/main.0c60d7fa.js:1:10051664)
at o.value (tits://titsapp/main.0c60d7fa.js:1:11537829)
at tits://titsapp/main.0c60d7fa.js:1:19897524
at vT (tits://titsapp/main.0c60d7fa.js:1:19897751)
at tits://titsapp/content_uveto.b1f36f59.js:1:2336085
at Object.func (tits://titsapp/content_uveto.b1f36f59.js:1:2336263)
at e.value (tits://titsapp/main.0c60d7fa.js:1:18090248)
at Object.freeze.s.FUNCTIONS (tits://titsapp/main.0c60d7fa.js:1:34804757)
at HTMLDocument. (tits://titsapp/main.0c60d7fa.js:1:12406473)
Translation not active.; Hash mismatches; may indicate a section of the save has been edited: Flags (03:25:26.516) (Core) info: GameState postLoad()
(03:25:26.837) (Serialization) info: Setting gameloading marker false
(03:25:27.430) (Creature) info: Status 'Force Fem Gender' already present on Valrynn
(03:25:29.318) (Core) info: Setting VaginaRouter index to "-1"
(03:25:31.303) (Core) info: Setting VaginaRouter index to "-1"
(03:25:33.276) (Core) info: Setting VaginaRouter index to "-1"
(03:25:34.919) (Core) info: Setting VaginaRouter index to "-1"
(03:25:42.684) (Core) info: Setting VaginaRouter index to "-1"
(03:25:43.132) (Core) fatal: Attempted to queue event "hardlightAGThongOrgasm", but the event is already queued.