Critical error happened when I was spamming Sleep while in my ships bed to speed through the remaining days of an egg trainer pregnancy.
Annaly and vaginally pregnant.
Critical Error
A critical error has occurred. Please create a bug report on the forums here. Please include what you did before the error and a screen-shot or copy-paste of the error message below:``` Version: 0.9.122-PUBLIC-ANDROID#5727 Message: Attempted to queue event "eggTrainerCarryTrainingEndEvent", but the event is already queued. Stack:
TiTSException: Attempted to queue event "eggTrainerCarryTrainingEndEvent", but the event is already queued.
at h (https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:10051551)
at o.value (https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:11539185)
at o.value (https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:11538875)
at o.value [as _onDurationEnd] (https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:34338041)
at o.value (https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:10878621)
at e.value (https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:10870305)
at https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:10868771
at Array.forEach ()
at e.value (https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:10868715)
at kT (https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:19872852)
Translation not active.; Hash mismatches; may indicate a section of the save has been edited: Flags (02:50:53.845) (Core) info: GameState postLoad()
(02:50:55.155) (Serialization) info: Setting gameloading marker false
(02:50:56.920) (ImageGallery) warning: Unable to find an image with key "casstech_z14" to unlock.
(02:50:59.019) (ImageGallery) warning: Unable to find an image with key "myrellion" to unlock.
(02:51:24.019) (ImageGallery) warning: Unable to find an image with key "myrellion" to unlock.
(02:52:17.252) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Codex".
(02:52:22.800) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Codex" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(02:52:34.849) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Codex".
(02:52:38.912) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Codex" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(02:55:49.916) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Codex".
(02:55:53.714) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Codex" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(02:56:16.351) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Codex".
(02:56:19.608) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Codex" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(02:56:20.734) (Core) fatal: Attempted to queue event "eggTrainerCarryTrainingEndEvent", but the event is already queued. ```
Reload Game
Annaly and vaginally pregnant.
Critical Error
A critical error has occurred. Please create a bug report on the forums here. Please include what you did before the error and a screen-shot or copy-paste of the error message below:``` Version: 0.9.122-PUBLIC-ANDROID#5727 Message: Attempted to queue event "eggTrainerCarryTrainingEndEvent", but the event is already queued. Stack:
TiTSException: Attempted to queue event "eggTrainerCarryTrainingEndEvent", but the event is already queued.
at h (https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:10051551)
at o.value (https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:11539185)
at o.value (https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:11538875)
at o.value [as _onDurationEnd] (https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:34338041)
at o.value (https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:10878621)
at e.value (https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:10870305)
at https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:10868771
at Array.forEach ()
at e.value (https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:10868715)
at kT (https://localhost/main.adeac24f.js:1:19872852)
Translation not active.; Hash mismatches; may indicate a section of the save has been edited: Flags (02:50:53.845) (Core) info: GameState postLoad()
(02:50:55.155) (Serialization) info: Setting gameloading marker false
(02:50:56.920) (ImageGallery) warning: Unable to find an image with key "casstech_z14" to unlock.
(02:50:59.019) (ImageGallery) warning: Unable to find an image with key "myrellion" to unlock.
(02:51:24.019) (ImageGallery) warning: Unable to find an image with key "myrellion" to unlock.
(02:52:17.252) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Codex".
(02:52:22.800) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Codex" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(02:52:34.849) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Codex".
(02:52:38.912) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Codex" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(02:55:49.916) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Codex".
(02:55:53.714) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Codex" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(02:56:16.351) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Codex".
(02:56:19.608) (UserInterface) info: Popping from "Codex" and setting "Main Text" as active state.
(02:56:20.734) (Core) fatal: Attempted to queue event "eggTrainerCarryTrainingEndEvent", but the event is already queued. ```
Reload Game