In Progress [0.9.121-PUBLIC#5688] psiWillpower Doesn't Use Willpower If Higher?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
bimboIntelligence uses normal Intelligence instead of Libido if Intelligence is higher. psiWillpower seems to always substitute Libido. (I can't check the code because the Sitemap has been removed.) This is especially annoying, because I know no way of removing Instinctive Psifocus without Save-Editing.

See attached save (I'm testing vs Wetra Hounds, because they're an easy enemy). Increasing Willpower doesn't increase damage, or the return of pc.psiWillpower() in the console.

If I recall, it maxes out at 125 Libido. I'm not sure how to reach that without Corrupted (you'd need 50 Sexiness and 100 base Libido). Best I've managed is 27 Sexiness.


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