Fixed [0.9.121-PUBLIC#5667] Naleen Male Catch Anal Logic Error

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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
There's a variant for Tail-Cunts, but later, he sticks both in Steele's ass anyway. This got fixed in the Flash version, if you still have that code lying around.
You unconsciously curl the prehensile length around to engulf the naleen’s upper dick, surprising him enough that he actually stops his pounding.

“Both. I want both.”

He squeezes the bulbous rods together and presses both of their heads against your narrow anus, stretching you with twice as much girth as before.

Amid it all, your tail clenches and sucks, muscles pulsing to draw the naleen’s seed deep inside.

it almost feels like you’re holding on for dear life.Your stomach swells in time with his movements
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