Enhancement [0.9.119 Public] Bug or Feature image-manifest.json

Something that isn't directly a bug, but might be a good feature enhancement to implement.


New Member
Jan 25, 2025
Hello, I was experimenting with creating a custom image pack and noticed that the loose file \resources\app\image-manifest.json file doesn't seem to be used by the game. I tried modifying it and even removing it, and the game still runs as normal.

I assume the image-manifest.json is being included or compiled directly into the app or main js build. If that's the case, I wanted to point out that any changes to this file during development may not take effect until those files are rebuilt. (I know stuff like that happened to me and was frustrating)

If it is a bug and its accidently being included in the compile and could be kept loose that would be great.

Thanks for your work!


Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
That is broadly accurate, although the system recently changed. There's no longer an installation step so there's no longer a sentinel file either. The images can be read by the game directly from cache and displayed without having to place them in directory tree of the runtime js assets. In theory I could hack something together that would provide a list of files to exempt from the hash checks when downloading all the image assets, but that would only work for the X2/X4 versions -- the X1 versions still live as a base part of the app content with the rest of the runtime assets, and that would make the replacement system too messy for me to want to turn it into a "supported feature" as it were, without a bunch more engineering work to be able to pass in potential replacement X1 files from the same source X2 and X4 are loaded from.