Fixed [0.9.119] Behemoth transformation typos and other issues

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Aug 26, 2015
To reproduce: start with a female human Steele and use Glowing Behemoth Crystals.

Typo in size increase:
It happens again, but this time you’re ready for it, and so you quickly figure out the cause: you’ve just grown a couple of inches taller! The strain on your equipment and your body is very real right now, so you take off your gear, just in case.Soon enough, you’re hit with a third growth spurt, and this time it’s not just your height that increases — your muscles grow visibly too, taking on additional mass and shapeliness.

Typo in face transformation:
Your face has been feeling strangely hot for the past few minutes. It's almost as if you have a fever, but you're not feeling any other symptoms, so you decide to check your appearance through the Codex' camera function. As it turns out, your face is not only red, but also a bit swollen. Gingerly, you touch one of your cheeks, and this simple pressure sends a dull ache throughout the whole region.

nWhat the hell is going on? Did you get an allergic reaction to something?!

Crystal Ridgeback transformation removes all Glowing Behemoth Crystals in inventory, unclear if this is an error.

Typos in multibreast transformation:
As start to take shape, you soon realize that you’re looking at a new pair of breasts! They quickly swell up with addedboobflesh, until they look just like your original pair, with the exact same size and shapeliness. Even the suppleness is the same! As a finishing touch, pencil eraser-sized nipples bud on your new flesh, right where they belong and ready to entice several people’s lips. Wow, you look hot like this!

Females can acquire the Rut Cycle perk, which also has typos:

To top it all off, you’re smelling. It’s not a bad smell per se, but surely on the musky side, and it makes your twat grow wetter whenever you catch an accidental whiff of your own scent. You could easily see yourself pressing some bitch’s face into your armpit as you.
Picking up your Codex, you skim through your health stats, until you find the probable cause of this behavior: you’re in rut! Come think of it, Dreadscale Behemoths are known to have a rut cycle, and you’ve been getting a lot like them as of late.

...this is going to be a recurring thing from now on, isn’t it?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
should be

Leg, Tail & Face transformations check if Scale Color is one of several specific values, but scale color is never set to behemothColors?

should probably be added to

One of the penis transformations adds FLAG_SPIKED, so it should probably be added to VALID_COCK_FLAGS.
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Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Fixed everything but shifting the scale color; don't wanna mess with the logic rn, but it's clear some other bits and pieces need to be shuffled around to make it work properly so I'll deploy the Fenoxo :gedthink:
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