[0.9.105-PUBLIC#5217] (Un)Lucky Level 13?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Static Strike uses the Ranged weapon stats.
Molten Shot & Static Strike should probably call Bimbo Intelligence.

Called Shot blinded a target for 3.30...7 rounds (according to the status tooltip.
Should Called Shot call Bimbo Intelligence?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Molten Shot said:
Massively overheat an energy weapon such that the shot deals large amounts of intelligence-scaled thermal damage and applies a damage over time effect
Nitpick: There's no such thing as Thermal damage. It's Burning.

Thermal Disruptor + Boosted Charges DoT isn't doing as much as I'd expect to the Ancient Warbot. The attack does ~250-300 and the DoT does 8-9 for one turn. Duration doesn't stack when Disruptor is used again, either.


Aug 26, 2015
Nitpick: There's no such thing as Thermal damage. It's Burning.
Hopefully fixed for the next release.

Thermal Disruptor + Boosted Charges DoT isn't doing as much as I'd expect to the Ancient Warbot. The attack does ~250-300 and the DoT does 8-9 for one turn. Duration doesn't stack when Disruptor is used again, either.
This is a balance issue, but I do think it may also be an oversight. I've passed the info along to Fenoxo, so we'll see what happens there, if anything at all.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Invert Decay should probably clear 'Zil Sting'.

Void Sight should probably negate 'Pitch Black' (Saendra Quest).
While it clears 'Smoke Grenade', I don't think it makes Steele immune. At least, I was Smoke Grenaded after using Void Sight. And it can't be used a 2nd time.
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Aug 26, 2015
Invert Decay should probably clear 'Zil Sting'.
Hopefully fixed for the next release.

Void Sight should probably negate 'Pitch Black' (Saendra Quest).
While it clears 'Smoke Grenade', I don't think it makes Steele immune. At least, I was Smoke Grenaded after using Void Sight. And it can't be used a 2nd time.
This one is a bit more tricky since not all blindness triggers are treated the same as they are contextual in nature. Blindness comes in about three flavors: flash blindness (the original form of blind, checked against blind-immunity), obstruction blindness (usually forced, like smoke grenades or weather/debris, not checked with immunity) and environmental blindness (pure darkness, no light, "Pitch Black"). I've added "Pitch Black" to the list of effects to cleanse, so it should now be covered when Void Sight is used.

To add immunity to all instances of Smoke Grenade usage would require a lot of extra writing. So instead, I made it so that if the character was ever re-blinded by a forced-blind action when Void Sight is active, the blind effect would automatically be removed at the start of the next turn (interpreted as the new sight kicking in after the blindness attack).

I did the same (automatic effect cleansing) for Inverted Decay, but I commented out that block of code since it might be too over-powered (Inverted Decay already provides damage reduction from poison/drug anyway). But if Fenoxo thinks it fits the intent, maybe it'll be enabled.

These changes should also appear in the next release.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Tracer Rounds said:
You prepare a pile of tracer rounds and slap them into your rock.
That can't be right. (References the Melee weapon.)

Something is weird with how Tracer Rounds are used. Some weapons use them, but others don't. I know the comment for the ability* says it's supposed to be non-Energy, but that has exceptions.
Ice Lance is 'Energy Weaponry', but not 'Energy Weapon'. Uses them.
Silent Shrimp uses them, which is properly flagged.
FZR does not.
Shock Bow does.
Hardlight Bow does.

* Tooltip doesn't specify, but it's probably a reasonable inference.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
tracer rounds.png

Tracer Rounds makes weapons with the Lust Weapon flag (lust only weapons) deal HP damage.

This happens because, unlike any other modifier, it's been coded to add its damage to base ranged damage, bypassing the check for modified damage that prevented it.

Blood Frenzy has been coded in a similar manner, which may cause issues too (haven't tested it).

Tracer Rounds also makes a weapon that normally fires once like Slut Ray shoot twice... because reasons. Since the newer Single Hit Only flag seems to be more consistent and is visible to the player, maybe it's better to just use that for lust weapons that are supposed to hit only once, instead of the current system?


Aug 26, 2015
Hopefully fixed for the next release, though it may need some further scrutiny.

"Tracer Rounds" will now only activate if your character is using a valid ranged weapon that is not lust-only, not a bow weapon and not an energy-powered weapon. If swapping ranged weapons with tracers loaded, it will unload the tracers when equipping the new weapon.

Similarly "Blood Frenzy" will be cleared if a lust-only weapon is used or swapped to.

Not sure if this covers everything, but it should addressed what was pointed out.
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