
  1. The sole NASA engie.

    Odd, but about OCs

    So, I know everyone that plays TiTS has their own captain Steele(Duh), but I was wondering if y'all have made up any OCs that aren't the good billionaire captain. I'm asking because I got this idea for a Gold Myr crew member OC that I can't get out of my head.
  2. B

    Favorite Scenes & Skimming

    Hi, I just made an account to say this game rules. I've been playing these games for years now. I've noticed though that I do a lot of skimming. Which is a shame because I have missed some truly incredible scenes (adhd brain) and so I want to go back and visit the best of the best. What are some...
  3. B

    Custom Classes

    Anyone ever get bored and started messing around with the save editor by mixing and matching perks from other classes? I'm trying to make a DND Eldritch Knight so I'm thinking of mixing the warrior and black mage perks together. What about you guys?
  4. SeriousBlueJewel

    [Code] Shouldn't [pc.cockOrStraponFull] use [pc.cockNounComplex] instead of [pc.cock]?

    Currently the [pc.cockOrStraponFull] will output [pc.cock] if Steele has a cock, just like [pc.cockOrStrapon]. However since the [pc.cockOrStraponFull] seems to be intended to give a more wordy parser, shouldn't it output [pc.cockComplex] instead? This could be easily achieved by adjusting the...
  5. T

    Femininity and Masculinity limits?

    A few months ago, i noticed that my character had a femininity maximum when they had a penis. After browsing the wiki, i saw that the maximum and minimum femininity values were tied to genitals. After looking at the examples of exceptions, i dont think this system makes sense. The stats of the...
  6. M


    This might be brought up often but considering I didn't see it in this thread, could be in the wrong thread knowing me...I have many questions about the other classes. I mainly play a lupine warrior and it's been a blast. If slightly easy. What are the other classes like? Ate they just as easy...
  7. Sparks

    Class Perk Swapping

    So I'm building my character as a paladin-esque white mage. Thought about starting out as white mage for the histories, mostly acolyte, and getting all the skills then swapping to warrior, mostly for the veteran class perk. I tried this out at one point and went through the centaur village...
  8. T

    Rut/Heat Cycles?

    I was wondering if there was some way to permanently obtain a rut/heat cycle so that it becomes naturally induced. If this is something that isn't in the game yet, is it a planned feature?