Hey all, first time poster here but I have chatted a bit in the discord server for a few days. Sharing my ideas and just generally talking about TiTS.
Attached is my concept for a Gabilani character based on my own Captain Steele, with an appearance description, possible scene and interaction...
I was wondering if a feature could be added that upon defeat a random transmutation based on what defeated you. For example if a wolf defeats you in combat you get a random wolf transformation.
This could be added through a trait or it could be added in a certain Zone or it could be added...
The title is pretty self-explanatory but if you don't get it. In my opinion the Zaika are one of the most interesting races so I would love to play as one. Androids and Cyborgs both would be cool, being more machine then Terran or whatever race you are. I don't know if ether of these are...
For a while since February 2021, I've been playing both CoC and CoC2.
In a bit of nostalgia, I started looking for official artwork for CoC.
Upon looking through the CoC/TiTs Art Collection thread, I saw a character named Desiree [a female bovine (?) magic user (?)].
...I have never...