coc2 typos

  1. Dul1ahan

    Aileh Dreams talk typo

    It says "You pinch her air and she laughs". Im assuming its supposed to be ear or hair instead of air.
  2. luciel1331

    (0.4.47) Aileh sex scenes typo

    There are some typos in Aileh's sex scenes. 1. This is from the, "get eaten out," scene. Extra period there. 2. These screenshots are from the "romantic fuck," scene. Missing a part of the sentence here? Her tail does what? This is a continuation of the romantic fuck scene. Those...
  3. Drol Nogard

    Darius Typo

    So, the first time you talk to Darius at the Mallachite Temple on his designated tile - not when he's introduced to you - and on the second page of his dialogue, he has this little paragraph where he decides to use the player's name twice in the same sentence. Not a huge deal though.
  4. K

    typo in aileh daughter after-birth

    i have a male character, so the part circled in red doesnt really make much sense.
  5. luciel1331

    (0.5.8) Klemaia scenes typo/ errors

    There are some typos and errors in Klemaia's scenes. This screenshot is from when PC decides to join in with the harem (initial sex scenes) and from the sex scene option, "Deepthroat." There's a word missing there and it should be pc's genital(s) there. I have only played Klemaia's scene as a...
  6. luciel1331

    (0.4.46) Yonzan scene typo

    There's a typo in Yonzan's sex scene, "Ride Him." Should be, "tightly."
  7. Dex Caster

    Preg keros typo

    This section seems like it should be italicized and that the bit after the hyphen should be changed to it really is.
  8. Dex Caster

    Lyric facesitting typo

  9. Dex Caster

    2nd pregnant orcs scene typo

    Missing punctuation
  10. WillowMelody

    [0.4.44] Hornet Ring Typo

    Straightforward one, it should read "tighten" instead of "tightens".
  11. Dex Caster

    Pregnant orc scene typo

    Two punctuation marks next to each other
  12. Dex Caster

    Livera typo

    First scene with Livera when you take her out. I am pretty sure that this is supposed to be came instead of can.
  13. luciel1331

    (0.4.41) Den of Foxes typo

    This is when you fight Azami and her subordinates. In the battle, it says, "old forest trail," even though they're fighting in the den.
  14. A

    Typo, first letter not capitalized Public 0.4.41

  15. M

    (0.4.41) Typo in "Doggy Style" scene with Kitsune Trickster

    I'm not a native speaker, but this looks wrong to me.
  16. M

    Typo in Berwyn Spanking Scene (Development Build 0.4.41)

    Small typo, just used "living" instead of "leaving."
  17. M

    (0.4.37) Typo in Ice Wine Details

    I'm not a native speaker, but I would either remove the ending 's' in 'decreases' or 'will'.
  18. D

    (0.4.37) typo in the Herald's Dance scene

    In that last paragraph it seems to me that there is at least a , missing. "You gather your senses allies and know deep down that..." May need to be reesreuctured a little.
  19. S

    0.4.34 Hawkthorne Stylist Aurera Dialogue Typo

    Among the first interactions with Aurera when you select the flirt option. When selecting flirt, she gives you a quest. The first mention of her wife's name Claire is misspelled. Build: 0.4.34
  20. luciel1331

    (0.4.35) Decima scenes typo

    Currently playing 0.4.35 version. It says this time even though this was the first time pc had sex with Decima. These are scenes from Decima's, "Assplay," using tongue. Space is missing there. It should be, "your mouth." Apostrophe missing there. Can't. I'm assuming either a space is...