coc2 typos

  1. D

    [0.5.29] Keros Yandere Dream typo

    There is a typo in this line from the first text page, the second "it" should be "is" Google Version 109.0.5414.75
  2. Tarnakus

    [0.5.27] Thrud hangout italic bleed and typo

    There is italic bleed in Hangout->Nursery. Starts Good, here you are then Typo in Hangout tooltip :P - a bracket. Near You're feeling full of energy
  3. cobra

    (0.5.19) Kavi Typo

    He to her. "Ahh, dear child. You'll not be nursing. The barrel is here to make sure at least some of the milk is not wasted. I assure you it will be needed." Even as she speaks, he hands are busy sifting apart the dress that you now realize was making much more of an effort to contain her than...
  4. M

    [0.5.19] Ander & Ria dream typo

    Feels like this should be '... revealing a clean blue ...'
  5. Prince Charming

    0.5.19 Resplendent Aria typo

    "You throw his head back" instead of "You throw your head back". Looking at the code, the issue is in Resplendent Aria's use of [attacker.hisHer] instead of [attacker.combatHisHer] (proof: Dirty Trick uses the latter and has no pronoun issue).
  6. M

    [0.5.19] Typo when getting (permanent) tattoos from Imora

    I think this should be 'we'.
  7. zagzig

    [0.5.16] Kinu typo

    I disagree morally and patriotically with American spelling so I'm not going to tell you where the quote is so it's harder for you to find it. (asking Hime Kinu about Education)
  8. T

    [0.5.15] (typo) I may have two, but I'm not a reptile.

    Very sssmall typo, but I couldn't passss the opportunity to make thisss joke. Kohaku - ear thrust scene - multicock variation. I'm not soul bound (don't know if this matters, but the scene could be different as far as I know)
  9. P

    [0.5.15 Steam] Typo in prologue on page 2, paragraph 3

    At the end of the third paragraph it reads "Lucky for you, the tavern in town — a little place called the Frost Hound — had several rooms for let." I belive that "let" should be "rent".
  10. G

    typo in Winter wolf when divine into the trench

    The current of cold water welling up from below strengthens, slowing your descent; something is driving it up to the surface with insidious force. It not for it, telling which direction is up would be hard; put "it instead of "if"
  11. 「Snowfall」

    0.5.12 Temple content typo (work the rooms > lupines >next)

    "Oh, aren't you just the cutest thingthe lupine ladies say as they saunter up to you forgot to mention in the title but this is without cait. without cait they also refer to the pc as "dears" plural. reading it now WITH cait, and this typo is gone ^ and the "dears" now fits
  12. Dex Caster

    [0.5.7] Kas Fuck into Suck typo

    pretty sure it's supposed to be "She'd look positively fearsome..."
  13. MistressAzula

    [0.5.7] Typo/Error Collection

    Errors found in version [0.5.7] I'm playing the downloadable version, not on a browser. -Generally organised by association (character, location, etc) -Some of these may be misconceptions on my part, or aren't strictly typos and instead suggested improvements -I omit any [Next]s in the choice...
  14. zagzig

    [0.5.8] Typo in initial Nihara approach

    In the first meeting with Nihara, there can be a typo if you go to help Nihara with the imps and Kiyoko is in the party.
  15. Dex Caster

    [0.5.7] Kiyoko typo

    When choosing play naughty some text that shouldn't be italicized is
  16. luciel1331

    (0.5.8) Brienne Family Matters typo

    These screenshots are from when pc decides to romance both Rina and Cassia. PC here is pure female. Brienne says PC is she-stud (left screenshot) even though PC here is pure female (no dick). While she does have a Ghostlight, it was never once on in the scene. Brienne mentions having...
  17. TheDarkMaster

    [0.5.7] typo

    -Turning down Cait's temple: "... but trying to build our own temple is just hubris! neither of us are even qualified to hold services!" - Missing capital
  18. MistressAzula

    [0.5.7] Typo/Error Minipost

    Errors found in version [0.5.7], Part 1 I'm playing the downloadable version, not on a browser. -Some of these entries aren't strictly typos and may be or contain suggested improvements. -Like in my previous posts, I organised the entries by association, location, etc. -I omit any [Next]s in...
  19. luciel1331

    (0.5.8) Land of Milky Honey Nyzerrah scene typo

    The screenshot below is a scene that happens after defeating queen Nyzerrah via lust, and you choose to talk to her instead of fucking her. The highlighted word is a start of a new sentence. Needs a period before the word. Btw, I appreciate the devs adding the option of talking to her...
  20. luciel1331

    (0.5.8) Getting Into the Closet Quin Dialogue typo

    The below screenshot is when you choose Quin as an option to climb up the vantage point in the quest. The highlighted words should be separated.