bug report

  1. D

    Red myr venom bug button always remain

    hello, I've already talked about this problem on another thread. But I think I'd better report it in the bug channel. So I remind you of my problem. As in the previous thread, I have some red myr venom to administer to the boss kui-tan on dhaal. Except that the button remained bugged (the...
  2. J

    Inventory Bug in Browser game

    I'm getting this error in the browser version of TiTs whenever I attempt to take any actions that use my inventory. I have not used any sort of edits on my save. Version: 0.9.060-PUBLIC#3518 Message: PlaceholderArmor requires it's canMergeWith call to be overridden if it has dynamic...
  3. N

    Critical Error when dealing with fluids

    Encounter this error whenever dealing with fluids in sex encounters Version: 0.9.058-PUBLIC-ANDROID#3461 Message: ERROR: NONVALID FLUID TYPE PASSED TO fluidNoun. Stack: TiTSException: ERROR: NONVALID FLUID TYPE PASSED TO fluidNoun. at r (file:///android_asset/www/main.d0d61ac1.js:1:9704141)...
  4. B

    bug report critical error (Paige)

    When sleeping whit Paige on the ship and going for the (Be bottom) ore ( Be Top) the game crash. Version: 0.9.060-PUBLIC#3518 Message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'push') Stack: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'push') at pf...
  5. N

    Critical Error after freezing to death on Uveto and meeting Jeyrnn

    Encounter this error after freezing to death on Uveto and Jeyrnn rescuing MC Version: 0.9.058-PUBLIC-ANDROID#3461 Message: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'value1') Stack: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'value1') at o.value...
  6. L

    Bug Report (Game Version: 0.9.051-BACKER-ELECTRON#3299)

    When I enter my codex for any reason, there is a 50-50 shot whether I can move again after leaving, if I can't move, I have to reload the latest autosave.
  7. K

    android critical error after end of battle

    winning or losing in the after tutorial zone gives me this, cant test if it happens in other zones because i cant progress past any fight.
  8. C

    Game Version: 0.9.050 (Android) Start Menu - Data - Back - Critical Error..

    Found this out when I updated my game to the latest public version, when you boot up Tits and go to your Data to see your saves and press Back, it crashes into itself and goes into Critical Error. I've posted a screenshot of the error if anyone wanna have a good it.
  9. J

    tits bugs I found

    The game crashes whenever you try to use the galomax pill and i can't use the space storage on the ship because it would delete all of my items
  10. D

    Bug report

    I was on zeng shi fighting this scary rabbit bitch, pretty far into the fight, i attacked, the game gave me this error message Version: 0.9.048-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#3209 Message: e.applyBleed is not a function Stack: TypeError: e.applyBleed is not a function at o.value...
  11. T

    [Public Android 0.9.048] Autopathing Failure in Deep Caves of Myrellion

    Attempting to use autopathing to get from pretty much any of the Start rooms to any of the End rooms, but strangely not vice versa, crashes the game with the attached error. See the attached image for a list of start and end rooms.
  12. K

    Bug in Version: 0.9.048-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#3209 at Reroute Tutorial

    As stated in title. Recived following error: Message: window.isAndroidBrowser is not a function Stack: TypeError: window.isAndroidBrowser is not a function at o.value (file:///C:/Users/ttrol/Downloads/x/TiTS/resources/app/main.ce534514.js:1:11894060) at Za...
  13. T

    [Public Android 0.9.045] Unable to talk to Kiro

    I'm unsure if this is a legitimate bug, but I've been trying to talk with Kiro for quite a while now and have not gotten the talk button to light up even once.
  14. NoraRennet

    New Texas Critical Error

    Version: 0.9.047-PUBLIC#3201 Message: window.waywardCowgirlEncounterAvailable is not a function Stack: TypeError: window.waywardCowgirlEncounterAvailable is not a function at window.newTexasEncounterChances (https://www.fenoxo.com/play/TiTS/release/content_new_texas.547b2db5.js:1:3850591)...
  15. H

    TiTS bug with body modification in mindwash

    Whenever I lose to Dr. Po through the mindwash visor version of her fight, I get this error report and the game crashes. I'm playing a male character, and the crash appears to have something to do with that, as whenever I get a vagina I can view this scene no problem. Other mindwash visor...
  16. X

    Got armor and has crash when drop items/open storage/open stores

    I was running on Uveto and Canadia and Gestingoth idk when I got it but I think issues started when i got it. When i try to throw it or open stores/storage there is game crash
  17. O

    Getting a blank title screen on the browser version (Firefox, iPad)

    Hello, sorry if this has already been answered, didn’t have luck searching the forums. I‘ve been playing on Firefox (the latest version), on an iPad, and sometimes, when the game updates, it zooms through the loading screen and brings this up. There are no options to load data or start a new...
  18. M

    The game told me to post this here...

    Critical Error A critical error has occurred. Please create a bug report on the forums here. Please include what you did before the error and a screen-shot or copy-paste of the error message below:``` Version: 0.9.046-BACKER-ANDROID#3153 Message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading...
  19. C

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'isDefeated')

    Version: 0.9.045-BACKER-ELECTRON#3104 Message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'isDefeated') Stack: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'isDefeated') at o.encounterTextGenerator...