bug or broken?

  1. A

    sex toys disappearing

    Whenever I go to put them into the ships storage they seem to disappear. This includes the ones that are already in there as they seem to be overwritten by the ones in my inventory. I did switch ships to the Sidewinder. I've also lost all of my gems and what not. I don't know if the most recent...
  2. Neltharion

    Can't start Dhaal dungeon

    Good evening everyone, i'll apologize in advance if i'm not doing this correctly, but it's my first time posting a bug report here. Well, it's my first post actually. On to the actual matter.... I think my game might be bugged, as Feruze isn't at the brothel for me. I have done the party...
  3. CowabungaDood

    Blueberry yogurt milk not triggering

    So I've went through 100 big green potions after taking a lactaid to try and trigger the event but, I'm pretty sure it's bugged out. When went back on a older version of a game to see if maybe I was just doing it wrong. It worked just fine on the older version with maybe 5 green potions. So...
  4. H

    Anno not selectable

    Made a previous thread asking for help but solutions did not work, tried everything in this thread. Game Version: 0.9.031
  5. Sar Meister

    Please help, found bug in downloaded game from offical page

    So basically anytime I actually try and play the game it'll at random just stop me from being able to move. I can't go in any direction I can't do anything and have to restart the game from scratch (new game) just to be able to play. At first I just thought it was cause I lost a battle and it...
  6. V

    Pressing Tab button crashes the game

    When I press Tab the game crashes when in conversations or some menus. Opening codex and pressing Tab crashes the game also. Please fix. Thank you to everyone who has gotten the many amazing games you have developed as far as you have!
  7. G

    Game Crash with Gianna

    My game crashes whenever I try to click on the fuck option, then click on the option "Get H.Fucked, then when you press next it crashes the game
  8. T

    Bug Report Uveto

    On Uveto, day 1454 when in the dialogue attempting to talk to Nykke about Frostwrm I press next to summon her and the game crashes. Uncertain if the issue is related but the name I gave to Frostwrm also disappeared and seems to have just reverted to Frostwrm. Either way, thanks for reading...
  9. T

    game crash bug

    i sorta just- went through first-14 and got to the end with the over queen and after the first page of dialogue hit next and this screen shows up
  10. AmberAtelier

    Nearly impossible to fail Syri "Bet Yourself"

    Hi! This might be an issue with the recent changes to combat balancing, and this probably requires a more in-depth look. The check for "Bet Yourself" uses rangeCombatMiss 15 times against Syri. This function, transcodes to this: (rand(100) + 1 + (player aim / 2.5) + character based offset) <...
  11. C

    Azra Docking Scene Trigger Uses Capacity Instead of Total Capacity

    I was attempting to trigger the Azra docking scene, and I noticed the wiki stated the minimum thickness was 8.1", but there seemed to be some debate in the forums (There was a necroed thread from 2017 discussing this), so I decided to investigate. I edited the save files with 999 elasticity...
  12. N

    Can't view Appearance Window and Stats window show up blank?

    So I recently started a new character who is a herm harpy with hellhound fur and colouring, but for some reason, i can't open the appearance window to see how my character looks or see my stats at all? Any ideas on what caused this and a possible fix?
  13. A

    Cargo hold bug

    so when i converted an older file of like tits 1.60 from flash player to the javascript i noticed that no mmatter what despite the change of ship the storage limit wouldnt lower or raise and would stay stock still at 30, effectivly lockiing me out of my ships storage and a huge chunk of my...
  14. L

    Virginity Issue with Jasvalla (BackerBuild 0.9.013)

    Encountered Jasvalla twice and still had an intact hymen after both encounters even with it saying the hymen tore, hadn't seen it in previous builds so not sure if new bug or just me.