Search results

  1. lighterfluid

    I must have offended the RNG Gods

    See, I was enjoying a peaceful stroll in No Myr's Land when three landmines exploded in my face. This would have been no problem at all had an adult cockvine not heard the noise and come running. I hope you got a kick out of my luck. PS. Should I light candles, sacrifice an animal or just pray...
  2. lighterfluid

    Tlako in a nutshell

    I dunno I'm bored
  3. lighterfluid

    Silly builds: When fluff goes too far

    So I'm sure everyone knows how minmaxing goes, but have you ever tried to make a character good at something completely useless? Runescape master chefs, Pathfinder omniglots and such things. Post yer sillyness, any rpg-ish game goes!
  4. lighterfluid

    Regarding the name "New Ewe"

    It is perfect. That is all. Thanks for your time.
  5. lighterfluid

    On adding content

    I was wondering wondering what the best way to ask this would be. I couldn't think of anything so I'm defaulting to blunt: Is there any use for a guy who codes things for people who don't feel like coding their own submissions, or is that role filled already? (Also, does this thread go here or...
  6. lighterfluid

    Coop FPSs?

    To all of you people in here who also enjoy stuff along the lines of L4D, KF and payday: do you have any recommendations? Tha's all