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  1. Jahadalia

    How did you come up with your usernames?

    This name is mearly the latest version of me using my OCs names cause their easy to remember, though this one was named by a dear friend so it stuck.
  2. Jahadalia

    PSA: Don't go to the posts that are random symbols

    In my experience I have always found there are people who don't know better, thus that is what motivated me to put this up.
  3. Jahadalia

    PSA: Don't go to the posts that are random symbols

    Posting this for awareness purposes, the posts that appear to be random symbols with links in them look like spam if I've ever seen any and will most likely have malware at the site the link goes to. Again this post is for awareness purposes, I apoglize for any inconvenience. Edit: I believe...
  4. Jahadalia

    What is your fetish?

    Was wondering if I'd run into one of these here. This is slightly difficult as I started my journey into the land of smut with Fen's games and thus got hit by the exotic stuff first. So I ended up getting used to everything save the most extreme stuff. 1) Beautiful Things: as it says, I like...
  5. Jahadalia

    (T.i.T.S & C.o.C 1-2 on IOS) Playing & Saving files locally guide for IOS 2022 Edition (UPDATED)

    Forgive me for being a newbie to this, but would anyone be able to explain how to do this though the ipastore app? I apologize in advance for any bother. Also how to save the file in iOS version Nevermind, figured the download part anyway. Are saves not saved as a file stable in the iOS...