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  1. D

    [Submitted] Little Nova Update

    UPDATE : Hello everyone, little update about the current situation. Recently, staff members gave me their opinion on my content. As it stands, it cannot be published. However, they tell me what I could correct and improve so that it is retained. Right now, I'm working on new content that's...
  2. D

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    It's interesting, I'd proposed an idea where Kiro would ask Steele to do a big job, and then she'd stop being a pirate if the job was a success. This would make it possible to use the Sidewinder's special feature, but also to knock Kiro up once the mission is a success, since she won't agree to...
  3. D

    More lmpregnation events

    Oops! My mistake, I read your sentence too quickly Savin... I don't know whether you were referring to what Veilwolf had written or to me. Yes, but she joined Steele, although she didn't leave piracy entirely. There could always be a final event to make her quit for good. For example, a 'Lost...
  4. D

    [Submitted] Little Nova Update

    that's precisely the question I'm asking myself. I think you're right. I'll just have to wait and see.
  5. D

    [Submitted] Little Nova Update

    I've just redone the layout and changed the text in some places. Although I've already submitted my project, maybe I should send it back. Because a lot of things have been changed and modified. What do you think?
  6. D

    More lmpregnation events

    I can write a pregnancy scene for Kiro... Really ?
  7. D

    More lmpregnation events

    You'll be my new hero, if you can write a pregnancy scene with Kiro. ^^
  8. D

    [Submitted] Little Nova Update

    I've just finished editing the text in relation to @Ace Hangman comments. I'll try to get it back into shape a bit later for a better read. In the meantime, if there's anything else to correct, don't hesitate. By the way Ace hangman, I really appreciate the quality of your comments, your...
  9. D

    [Submitted] Little Nova Update

    I appreciate these suggestions and will modify the document accordingly. I will correct grammar and spelling mistakes before editing the text. Thank you for taking the time to proofread me. I'm also impressed by the quality and quantity of your suggestions. Really great work. By the way, I made...
  10. D

    [Submitted] Little Nova Update

    Really? I use the pronoun 'It' when talking about her in a shapeless goo form. I only use 'She' or 'Her' when she appears in her humanoid form. But if you tell me this is a problem, I'll correct it later. You can let me know specifically where it's a problem. As for the time, there's no need to...
  11. D

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Here ^^ :
  12. D

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I've already done that in a small extension I made.
  13. D

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    In fact, I was thinking of a mutation with the Slyveren species as a base for a specific character. But like I said, it's just an idea... If it's popular, I'll try to write something about it.
  14. D

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Hi, I was just thinking... Does fenoxo or other contributors have the idea of introducing a hydra character. I thought it might be a fun and original addition as a companion. In fact, I've written a little dialogue to give you an idea of the kind of situation it would create. It's not much, but...
  15. D

    [Submitted] Little Nova Update

    I've just submitted my work. I'd like to thank all those who encouraged and helped me during the writing process. I don't forget those who have read and appreciated my work. A big thank to everyone. :)
  16. D

    [Submitted] Little Nova Update

    Thank you. ^^ don't hesitate to make comments or suggestions on my work if you think it's necessary. :)
  17. D

    [Submitted] Little Nova Update

    FINALLY ! I finally added everything there was to put in my contribution. But I may have forgotten one of the many dicks available in TITS. Some were not added for practical or logical reasons. If I didn't describe the length of the cocks, it's because in the end they'll all be the same size...
  18. D

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I don't know, if it's still planned.
  19. D

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    not really, if they take up a large part of the writing of already established transformations. but I doubt they want to recycle.
  20. D

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    The problem is that this could make the game too simple. Then there's the cheating system, but that's another matter. At the very least, we could think of creating a unique device to transform into each race. But I think that would simplify things too much.