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    Android app ate settings including language filters again

    I don't think the current app can be moved to an SD card? I haven't checked since I got my current phone a year or so ago, since it doesn't even have an SD card slot, but I had an SD card in my old (Android 8.1!) phone, and the JS app couldn't be moved to it, and also wiped my data several times...
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    Android app ate settings including language filters again

    That isn't the culprit in this case, since (a) Android 13 pops up a message whenever it revokes permissions of seldom used apps, (b) it doesn't wipe their data, (c) I had used it a couple days earlier so it hadn't been long enough, (d) I already had that setting turned off for TiTS anyways (I...
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    Android app ate settings including language filters again

    And it just did it again. I started a new character last night, and this morning it was gone and it had forgotten all my settings again.
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    Android app ate settings including language filters again

    No, I'm not referring to the browser version. The last time it did this was... going by the dates on my backup saves, between 10 and 11 months ago.
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    Android app ate settings including language filters again

    It also ate the saves, but y'all have already said you won't or can't fix that. My question is if we're supposed to work around the app periodically forgetting our saves by saving to files, why can't we also export our settings? Especially considering the degree to which the language filters can...
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    Save screen clickthrough UI loop on Android

    From Android 0.9.061 through to the current version (0.9.064) when I tap a button on a dialog on the save screen the tap doesn't just hit the button which I tapped, but also whatever is below it. That is, when I save the game and then get the popup with the ok button, when I click that button...
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    Duplication Glitch

    I'm not sure what is causing this to happen, but I've experienced this several times as well. Just last night, after updating to the latest version, I tried to move some things in and out of storage (mostly clothing) and couldn't because I had somehow gone from 15 out of 20 inventory slots used...
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    Anno's Crew button is Missing

    Same here. After installing 0.9.031 hotfix #2795+, her crew button has disappeared, even in my old saved games. She isn't in the Tavros station bar, and she still has events on the ship, etc. Rolling back to 0.9.031 (the pre-hotfix version) brings her button back.
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    [0.9.026-PUBLIC-ANDROID#2694] Android silicone soft-lock

    I just ran into this in a relatively new game - level 6, haven't met Gianna yet. I saw the silicone I got from the New Texan fields had a "use" button, and even though I knew what you actually do with it is give it to Gianna, I was curious why the use button was clickable, and what it would do...
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    [0.9.024 Android Public] Saved games, autosaves, and settings all gone

    I have the Android version of the JS port of TiTS on my phone. The other day, I updated it to 0.9.024. I'm pretty sure I've played it since then and my settings and saved games all still existed at the time. I did not uninstall the old version (0.9.023?), I installed the new one while the old...