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  1. V

    Saurmorian scale color bugged?

    You'd realistically have to settle for not using Saurmorian parts in your case, since they're the only morph set (I know of) using skin color for scale descriptions. Or just never read your appearance output again as afaik scenes will just reference skin type, skin color, and scale color...
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    Saurmorian scale color bugged?

    The Saurmorian 'armor plate' scales use the scale color field, and the 'normal' scales on the rest of the body use the skin color field, according to the Orefish Shard morph list. (Scale color is set to silver, skin is set to a range of things when set to the scaled skin type.) It's a bit off...
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    Asking about Hand so

    Hand So's original author Nonesuch was gated by player ship feature development for so long he made his own game to explore the original concept and more or less handed Hand So off to Fenoxo. Hand So isn't likely to see any development from him until ships are more developed/he has the time...
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    [0.9.022] Valrynn's name has turned into Frostwyrm in update (Windows Version)

    Bumping this over making a new thread, as this issue persists in version 0.9.023. When saving or loading save data, "short":"FrostwyrmName" is removed, causing the game to return Frostwyrm in place of it. Going back to an older save and naming it does not add a new entry into the save to...
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    Black Bunny

    Hardly the right forum for this in my opinion but regardless: The black furred Jumper is deliberately designed to have counters to each class in the game. Without prior knowledge you're pretty likely to get stomped in round one if you find yourself in her pitfalls. The information you're...
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    crash landing

    Each unique day you enter the Crash Landing increments the score counter by 1 and sets the 'last day visited' flag to the current day, necessitating 9-10 days of unique visits. (The first ever visit does not update/set the day tracking flag, letting you get 2 visits in the first day - though...
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    A list of unrelated questions

    An outline of Sophora's motivations and interactions is available over on William's thread. (Though not everything is 1:1 with her implementation. At current you can only disable her content or allow her to persist.) Just navigate through the public docs link. Further interactions/options are...