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  1. Lyceaos

    crash during fighting the star viper spearhead

    fight starts out going ok then somewhere in the middle of the fight it crashes and im not sure exactly what is happening before it crashes
  2. Lyceaos

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    see id like the opposite, childhood friend turned total sub
  3. Lyceaos

    version: 0.9.029 backer build: crash when going back up the elevator on uvito

    A critical error has occurred. Please create a bug report on the forums here. Please include what you did before the error and a screen-shot or copy-paste of the error message below: Version: 0.9.029-BACKER-ELECTRON#2749 Message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name') Stack...
  4. Lyceaos

    Verusha, kiro, shade, and ramis

    which verusha? early pain in the ass one or the later retired one who falls hard in love with steele?
  5. Lyceaos

    crash during dorna christmas event

    i guess while im at it the busts for reaha and sera are broken
  6. Lyceaos

    crash during dorna christmas event

    this is for backer version 0.9.029
  7. Lyceaos

    crash during dorna christmas event

    game keeps crashing if i go to the crhistmas event with syri, procedes fine till i het the meeting with anno and kaide. then it crashes when i click on meeting anno
  8. Lyceaos

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    still stand by an expansion for metamorphic goo characters, since they can change from form to form and we can revert from transformed states removing those tags can we get the reverse long as we have aquired those tags in that form? the data should mostly be there id think all we would need is...
  9. Lyceaos

    bug: dorna family christmas

    so hit a game crash when doing the dorna christmas event, for the first time i managed to vind syri before anno to be invited by her but it crashed as soon as i was going over with her to meet with anno and kaide
  10. Lyceaos

    [Game Version: 0.9.026-BACKER-ELECTRON#2686] Contact Image Broken

    reaha and sera busts images are borken too
  11. Lyceaos

    How do you get an ovipositor in COC2?

    that makes no sense given theres something about removing one with one of lady evergreen's daughters
  12. Lyceaos

    Dhaal Dungeon Thread

    im stuck on the lights out puzzle at the safe
  13. Lyceaos

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    further expansions for customization for goo players, example, able to change body parts to other forms if you have obtained that tag for that body part in the past. so say if you decide you want wings and have had them before be able to grow them with enough liquid.
  14. Lyceaos

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    please elaborate. what limitations do you mean? cause all the tags and such are already there just make the change thing like the other ones where at most each change is a paragraph or less
  15. Lyceaos

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    my only idea i put in the idea thread about goo players, letting them able to transform their body parts into any TF they have taken since the tags for skin types and such already exhist long as they have taken the tf befor, but make them need to really dive into the TF if they want its perks...
  16. Lyceaos

    a small idea for those who go goo

    just something small since all the tags already exhist, not sure how hard this will actually be, but my idea is, for goo players, since we can shift traits in goo, how bout the ability to go full protean for those TFs we have taken, like able to change our limbs and skin and such into forms we...
  17. Lyceaos

    Galomax shift goo additions

    honestly on this, i was thinking an extra, in shifting goo, the ability to shift body parts to fully form into any transformative form youve aquired, say you took catnip, so you chan change your entire body to look like them, basically making goo form a full on protein shape shifting form since...