Search results

  1. D

    [0.5.33] Berwyn's hair is "full of body" (typo)

    Oh I see what you're trying to say. Yes you are right - I thought you were meaning more that you've never heard of hair having "body". Yeah "full-bodied" does seem more natural than "full of body"
  2. D

    [0.5.33] Berwyn's hair is "full of body" (typo)

    Actually I'm pretty sure that often you can say that hair has "body" meaning sort of bounciness. It's funny because I don't think I've seen anyone say that hair is "full of body" but I've seen people say that hair "lacks body", meaning the hair is quite thin, stringy and brittle. So...
  3. D

    [0.5.33/0.5.34] Error loading file

    Hey, I tried loading my save file and this happened. --> I just realised that my payment for backer didn't go through so I'm assuming that's what's causing the issue as I think I used this save file at with the 0.5.34 update. Just wanted to double check though
  4. D

    Kara Quest Crash

    Version: 0.69.420-PUBLIC#1668 Message: i is not defined Stack: ReferenceError: i is not defined at o.value ( at o.value ( at o.value...
  5. D

    [0.69.420-PUBLIC#1648] Uveto Sheriff's office crash

    I was about to post this crash too - I have the same crash. I noticed there was a weird bug with the old version in this room too but considering you are porting it to JS now I wont bother to post it as it was very minor and I'm sure you'll find it anyways :) (If the bug comes back on JS I'll...