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  1. K

    What are your thoughts on Berwyn being removed from the party?

    I didn't see when you wrote saying it was three instead of two when I wrote my comment. I said your answer was underwhelming due to your phrasing, t'was not to insult the amount of programmers working on the game. You said 'Multiple people' which, while technically correct even when I thought it...
  2. K

    What are your thoughts on Berwyn being removed from the party?

    A bit of an underwhelming answer, the way you phrased it made it sound like there was more. But anyways, another question, was HugsAlright fired, or did he leave on his own terms? I've heard variations of the story and I'd like to here it from your point of view before I continue.
  3. K

    What are your thoughts on Berwyn being removed from the party?

    Multiple people? I've heard from various folks that this game only had 1 programmer. Can you say the specific number of programmers and/or names of them, or are you just going off of what you heard? Don't take this as me being aggressive by the way. I just find that statement kind of sketchy...
  4. K

    What are your thoughts on Berwyn being removed from the party?

    Hasn't it literally been at least 4-5 years since this game started development and they still only have one programmer? I'd like to believe your right, but if they were looking I honestly think they'd have found one by now.
  5. K

    What are your thoughts on Berwyn being removed from the party?

    Doesn't this game make 32k a month? Why can't you just hire another programmer?
  6. K

    How powerful are the Seven?

    So they're about as strong as DOTA Characters. Thanks, my curiosity has been sated. Though I'm still wondering as to how Marae would compare to the Seven in terms of power though.
  7. K

    How powerful are the Seven?

    Helpful answer, but I already know that CoC2 isn't meant to be a power fantasy, and I know that the champion won't be able to challenge the Gods from in-game implications already. The answer I was looking for is more of a direct assessment of their destructive capability. Could they level a...
  8. K

    How powerful are the Seven?

    Are they powerful enough to, say for example, reduce a mountain to rubble with little to no effort? Are they powerful enough to destroy the world, or is their power a bit more down to earth than that? Or are they just straight up "Sun Wukong" levels of powerful? What level would a group of...
  9. K

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Huh. That seems to conflict with the whole "not a power fantasy" philosophy this game is being made with and I completely disagree with the reasoning behind the decision, but hey, it's not like I can do anything about it. Didn't answer my second question though.
  10. K

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Alright, so two questions/gripes: 1. Why do you automatically lose when the player goes down? It makes no sense for companions to suddenly give up the moment the PC is defeated. 2. Why can't my companions use items?
  11. K

    What content would you like added?

    I just realized something: If everyone in Savarra (or Mareth) were all turned into demons, wouldn't they eventually die out? Demons are only capable of giving birth to imps, who if you didn't realize are all male. No females means no reproduction. No reproduction means no successors and what...
  12. K

    Does the game still get updates?

    Eh, it hasn't been THAT long. I just don't think that someone should be berated for asking a question, even if the question is a stupid one.
  13. K

    Does the game still get updates?

    Yikes dude. That last part was unnecessary and uncalled for.
  14. K

    Your gripes with CoC II

    As for my actual gripes for the game, there are only 3: 1. The lack of corruption content, gameplay or fetish-wise. 2. The level cap being 10. (I don't expect this to be changed but it still kinda sucks) 3. The Lack of decent black/white mage gear.
  15. K

    Your gripes with CoC II

    And you have the best taste!
  16. K

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Ah! A man (or woman) of culture I see!
  17. K

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Personally, I don't really care about Ryn that much, but I can see why some folks would dislike her, considering her annoying as hell mechanic that you had no way to avoid in earlier builds if you wanted to use her. And her main set kind of sucks, it's clearly damage based but an AOE black mage...
  18. K

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Guys, I think that's enough. This a thread made for criticizing a fetish porn game made by like, 4 people or so. This isn't the place to argue about transphobia or "Woke" culture.
  19. K

    Who is your favorite companion?

    But I wanna be a Deity though! I'd love to be throwing Meteors at my enemies as I reduce them to ashes, summoning earthquakes that shake the earth's core, and creating thunderstorms so chaotic, the very gods themselves would be blinded by its light as they stare down from the heavens! But alas...
  20. K

    Who is your favorite companion?

    Damn. Oh well; Nothin' I can do about that.