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  1. H

    Am I alone in thinking the UX of the older UI was better?

    The main thing I don't like about the new UI is how I can't view both my stats and the map simultaneously, have to toggle them. But I do appreciate the larger window for character art. The rest is about the same for me.
  2. H

    How comprehensive is the Fuck Sense substitution?

    So my understanding from older threads and the wiki is that using Fuck Sense to make things like the Tech Bimbo work because in Int calculations there's a bimboIntelligence variable that checks to see if that perk is active, then uses the Libido instead of the Int stat if true. I was wondering...
  3. H

    i want to play tits mobile but my fingers are too fat

    Could try using a pen with a rubber tip.
  4. H

    Take Over v0.20 (release 25th January 2020)

    Can you elaborate on the "incest (with patch)"?
  5. H

    How good is Evasion?

    Wait, does Smuggler get the Fuck Sense perk's conversion of Libido to Int? I thought that was exclusive to Tech Specialists. ALL classes benefit from Bonus Hit Rate, on both ranged and melee bonus attack. But Mercernaries benefit the most because the highest hitting weapon in the game right now...
  6. H

    How good is Evasion?

    It's a trade-off, and one I approve of in concept--it's a matter of fine-tuning the numbers, which is rarely easy. It's worth keeping in mind that TITs has Shields, which mean early damage is usually irrelevant due to them recharging after combat. In theory, some enemies may deal relatively...
  7. H

    How good is Evasion?

    The issue is that if enemy Accuracy directly counters player Evasion, then you need to be able to counter enemy Accuracy AND still be able to make 80-90% or so of all attacks miss to be competitive with the tankiness or Tech Specialists, especially with how low stats are otherwise on high...
  8. H

    How good is Evasion?

    Lucky Breaks is separate. The last I heard is that it was calculated after Evasion, which means it's less effective the more Evasion you have.
  9. H

    How good is Evasion?

    High evasion does not sound very good in that case. Are we sure? When I was playing around I tested with a level 10 Smuggler at 0 and 50 Reflexes--neither altered the Evasion stat as it was listed in the Codex. Unless it's like Lucky Break and the Reflex Evasion is calculated in combat only.
  10. H

    How good is Evasion?

    I was running the numbers on this--if you decided to chase the highest evasion stats you can reach 79% Evasion, and after calculating for Lucky Breaks that's basically just over 80% Evasion. On its own I'd say that's pretty good. Just having a high shield item seems like it would get you...
  11. H

    Amara Impregnation

    It's hard to keep up with what's what in TITs development. Wish it had a public roadmap via Trello or something like that, similar to CoC2.
  12. H

    Amara Impregnation

    As it is I agree with what you're saying. But isn't Amara slated to be part of the Faction system? That would give us plenty of excuses to interact with her.
  13. H

    Amara Impregnation

    I mean, all work is a hassle, what makes Amara particularly special?
  14. H

    Nursery upgrades/staff

    If we ever get a nursery expansion it probably won't be until after 1.0.
  15. H

    Is it possible to make Nuki Nut Cum Cows viable?

    Yes, but I'm trying to find a way around it. The goo option seems fitting.
  16. H

    Is it possible to make Nuki Nut Cum Cows viable?

    To clarify, the problem with playing a Nuki Nut Cum Cow is that the autofellatio perks requires you to fellatio yourself or your lust will rise infinitely. Then, as a Kui-Tan, doing this starts a cum cascade so huge that even multiple ejaculations will still result in being Endowment...
  17. H

    Any plans to alter Ula's rescue scenario?

    It seems a bit much to lock off the entirety of the Hold's content for the rest of the game if you didn't have a belt or coat on you and then you forget about her after meeting. Seems like there should be an option to warm her without sex if you're like my character and just have a really thick...
  18. H

    Crucifer stats seem weird

    Thank you.
  19. H

    Crucifer stats seem weird

    Finally found it again, yeah it doesn't. Hmmm, must have been tired. While we're on the subject though, do the colors of flags denote anything?
  20. H

    Crucifer stats seem weird

    Uveto is where I saw it.