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  1. S

    Please lower racial requirements

    atleast it should be made that leithan ear's are accepted in to nyrean score Has human face Has sylvan ears +1 since they are part sylvan ears this way i could get demonic eyes for my character without losing nyrean eggs now im forced to use...
  2. S

    More items like Catnip where u can choose what u want to change

    like how Catnip works, more items like this would be nice maybe with high price, items like this should not be free maybe add ones that add hybrid trasformations like the one on catnip that hides your tail penis that one is cool trasformation
  3. S

    Please lower racial requirements

    racial requirements are too hard to get truly unique characters  for example  'Nuki Nuts"   for other than kui-tan characters or  Nyrea Eggs for not totally nyrean characters so either adding some options to get higher racial score more easily or lowering the requirements would be nice...